{Script 76} Briar Valley General Aids You {Lilia x Soldier Listener}

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Soldier 1: Quick we gotta take them to the medical emergency tent asap! Make sure to put a lot of pressure on that wound to stop the bleeding.

Soldier 2: Roger that!

*As the two soldiers being hobbling down to the campground. Some familiar footsteps were heard*

Lilia: What's all that hollering?

Soldier 2: Ah, Lilia!

Lilia: ....

Soldier 2: Er I mean General! We're sorry for causing a ruckus but we have an emergency.

Lilia: What is it? Are we under attacked?

Soldier 2: No sir, we have a medical emergency.

Lilia: Let me guess while you guys are training, somebody got hurt.

Soldier 1 & Soldier 2: *They both nodded and looked down at the listener*

Lilia: What the hell happened to them? They looked like they tumbled down a hill and went face first into a tree.

Soldier 1: W-Well actually...they did.

Lilia: Pardon?

Soldier 1: We were doing laps up the hill and rookie over there tripped, fell down the hill, smacked their face into the tree, and here we are.

Lilia: I'm sorry but did you just say....rookie?

Soldier 2: Our new recruit sir.

Lilia: ......

Soldier 1: Uhhh General?

Lilia: .....

Soldier 2: Hello?

Lilia: Pfft....hahahahaha!

Soldier 1 & 2: What the hell? He's...laughing??

Lilia: I'm sorry but it takes a numbskull to make an accident like that. *He said in between laughter*

Soldier 1: Umm General? I don't think this is the right time to laugh. They are severely hurt.

Lilia: Ahem, right. Let's get them to the medical emergency tent.

*As the 4 walks over to the campgrounds and into the medical tent.*

Lilia: Hello? Is anyone in here? We got an emergency here. *Lilia looked around and see that nobody's in here*

Soldier 1: Hey general? You should look at this letter. *He said while handing Lilia the letter*

Lilia: Out to get herbs for medicine. *Lilia read* And he didn't tell me?! *Lilia crinkled up the paper angrily* That son of a bitch...he's going to pay for what he did. *He sighed* Any one of you knows how to provide medical aid? *Lilia looked over at the 2 soldiers*

Soldier 1 & 2: Uhhhhhh....

Lilia: Just as I thought. I figured you two numbskulls aren't skilled enough to aid anyone, judging the dumb looks on your faces. I guess I'll be the one aiding them. *Lilia sighed* Run along now.

Soldier 1: Umm sir? Where do you want your patient?

Lilia: I don't know, just drop them off somewhere.

Soldier 1: You got it. *He drops the listener onto the floor*


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