{Script 41} Disaster In Alchemy {Idia X Neko Listener RP}

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Crewel: Idia, you will be partnered up with Yuu. And hopefully you'll participate in this.

Idia: Haaaa of course I'll be participating. After all, everything is simple and easy for me.

Crewel: Sit! *cracks riding crop* This is a partnership assignment. You only have to do it with your partner. No if, ands or buts. *walks away*

Idia: .....ha..

Yuu: If it makes you feel better, you can do it independently and I can pretend to do the work with you. Whatever makes you comfortable.

Idia: No need to take this the wrong way, I don't dislike you. You don't have to do this. I'm not good when comes to partnership assignments. The only partner I can rely on, is my brother.

Yuu: I see, you do rely on your brother that much. That's understandable.

Idia: But since I don't want to deal with Mr. Crewel squawking about doing the work by myself. I can try to partner up with you, Player 2.

Yuu: Eh?

: O-Oh...U-Uhm I-It's a game reference, please forgive me.

Yuu: No it's alright. I find it really cute. *smiles a little*

Idia: C-Cute?

Yuu: Ah! Maybe I shouldn't describe it as "cute". Maybe that's not your protocol. *laughs nervously*

Idia: I'm not mad about it. You can call it whatever you think. I'm not going to judge you.

Yuu: *smiles softly*

~~Minutes Later~~

Yuu: Right I have to be gentle with this one, don't want anything to happen....

Random Student: *bumps into Yuu which caused them to drop the potion that they painstakingly made*


Random Student: Oh dear! I'm so sorohwoahwoahwhoa!!!

Yuu: What?? What's wrong??? Is there something on my face??

Random Student: No but there's something on your head and lower back! *bolts away*

Yuu: Wha- Hey! Come back! *sighs and looks at the reflection of the glass bottles* Huh? What's this? Did someone placed cat ears on my- *touches them and flinch from the sensitivity* Ah! What has happened to me?!


Idia: Uehehehe! Finally! I've completed my assignment! I knew our tactic has worked thanks to my partner. Ha? Speaking of partner, where the hell are they?

Yuu: *is standing beside him*

Idia: I thought they would be ba- ah haaa haaa! Oh....it's you, you scared the shit out of mehehehe what on earth??

Yuu: I can explain. You see I was coming back and a student bumped into- EEEEP!!

Idia: *had a hold on their tail, feeling all around*

Yuu: Did you just grabbed my tail?!

Idia: Uh- It's real?!

Yuu: Yes it's real I uh-

Idia: *begin feeling their ears*

Yuu: *whimpers cutely and gasps, punched him off the seat* What in the name of Great Sevens gives you the right to touch me like that?!

Idia: *gets up* I didn't think they were real, I thought you were just messing with me since I have an addiction to cats. How would I know?

Yuu: You ask like a real normal person would!!! *blushes deeply* Don't ever do that aga- *purrs as Idia scratches behind their ears*

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