{Script 64} Happy Birthday Lilia {Playful Present}

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Lilia: Have you came here to wish me a happy birthday? You're too sweet for your own good.

Yuu: Of course. I hope the present I got you won't be too...bad. *they smirked*

Lilia: You didn't have to get me anything. Don't spoil me too much. Are you just spoiling me because I'm too cute~?

Yuu: Y-Yeah...sure let's go along with that.

Lilia: *he looks into the gift bag to see an outfit that seems a little...interesting*

Yuu: Well? Are you going to wear it or what? Just simple feminine outfits as a joke. Consider the fact you like to mess with me. *they laugh*

Lilia: I love it!

Yuu: I figured you would ha- wait huh?!

Lilia: I said I love it! Even if you got it as a joke! I appreciate the gift! How do you know I wear this kind of stuff? *he asked with a bright smile*

Yuu: Wait wait wait...you wear these kind of things?? I mean I have nothing against it don't take it the wrong way. Knowing you...I'm kind of surprised. The fact that you have a very...interesting taste in fashion.

Lilia: So you do like my taste in fashion?!

Yuu: .....I bought it as a joke and at least it looks efficient and not make you look like a disastrous fashionista...

Lilia: Not only you got me one outfit but you got me a couple.

Yuu: I was expecting a different reaction but this is Lilia we're talking about. *they mumbled*

Lilia: You stay right there. I'll go get changed! *he leaves to go get changed in the bathroom*

Yuu: At least he's happy about it. This is actually the first time experiencing him dressed as a femboy. Oh well, I have nothing against it.

~~Few minutes later~~

Yuu: Are you okay in there?

Lilia: Just adding a few final touches. Aaaand done! Cover you eyes, I want to surprise you!

Yuu: It's your birthday and I'm the one getting the surprise. *they sighed and covers their eyes*

Lilia: *he comes out of the bathroom. Soon as he sees Yuu standing with they're eyes covered. He approaches them, takes their wrists to make them uncover their eyes, then placed a soft kiss on the lips*

Yuu: *surprised from the sudden kiss and their appearance. It was almost like they were having a pansexual panic, not sure if they're looking at a male or a female* H-Ha...You surprised me...that kiss...

Lilia: I'd thought I could tease you a bit. You look so confused, it's adorable~ *he said in a playful feminine tone*

Yuu: Oh great sevens what have I done. *they covered their face, flustered*

Lilia: *he laughs and cups their cheeks* Aww.. I wanted you to see the whole outfit. All you saw was my face. *he playfully pouts*

Yuu: But you...you... *they sighed in defeat. Knowing they can't win, not with Lilia* Alright let me see.

Lilia: *he backs away just so Yuu can have a better look* I'd do say you have a really nice taste in fashion. I wonder if you got it from Vil. *he chuckled*

Yuu: I did get some help from him but I didn't tell who I'm giving it to- SWEET SEVENS I FORGOT ABOUT THE SKIRT! *they nosebleed a little*

Lilia: It's not that bad. I'd say it looks adorable on me~

Yuu: I'd hate to be that one person but it's a little...short. I should've payed close attention to the length.... *they covered their bloody nose*

Lilia: Oh now that you mentioned it. It does seemed a little short. No worries. I'll just use some magic to adjust the length of it. Or maybe I should keep it this way just to tease you~

Yuu: P-Please change the length! For the love of sevens..the amount of blood that came out of my nose. I'm getting dizzy...

Lilia: Mmm~ weren't you the one that bought it~?

Yuu: Yes I know and I should've payed attention on the length.... *they deadpanned* Please for the love of all holy*

Lilia: *he uses magic to adjust the length of the skirt* This should be fine right?

Yuu: *they sighed in relief* Much better. Not only that and...it's a little embarrassing but..I just don't want anyone else to see you like this.

Lilia: You don't want me to wear this in public?

Yuu: There's some that you can wear in public. But this one...I want to be the only one that can see that. *they looked away, embarrassed*

Lilia: *he pulls them close and placed a soft kiss on their lips* Then I can do that for you~ *he said with a soft whisper* Anything that makes you happy.

Yuu: No no! It's your birthday! You don't need to do that for me!

Lilia: I know it's my birthday and my gift is to see a smile on your face. *he nuzzled against their cheek*

Yuu: Mmm...you're embarrassing me. But I want expecting you to be embarrassed when you opened that bag.

Lilia: From the shit I wear recently. I won't get embarrassed by this.

Yuu: Oh well shit. Should've known that. *they laughed nervously*

Lilia: *he pulls them into a warm hug* ...Thank you..and...I love you. You made me really happy~ *he giggled*

Yuu: *they blushed and hugged him back* Y-You're welcome...I love you too and happy birthday, you goof.

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