{Script 20} Azul's Teasing Diet {Twisted Wonderland Script}

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Floyd: Azul!

Floyd: Say "Aaah..."

Azul: Unfortunately, I have already ingested my daily portion of calories.

Azul: Moreover, it is now 9pm past two minutes, and I've said already that after 9pm I don't put anything in my mouth, except water.

Floyd: Eeeeh... What's this about.. Don't be so stingy, Azul! You're so booooring...

Floyd: Even though I worked so hard to make you the karaage you love.

Azul: I won't fall for that trick.

Floyd: If you don't eat, your stomach... will feel like it's being strangled?

Azul: Ah, if anything, I'd like that. I've been uneder the impression I'm getting fatter lately.

Floyd: Aaaah... I can't bear it...

Floyd: I loved the Azul from before he went like "I'm going on a diet."

Floyd: Hmm... Burying my face into a squishy belly while squeezing something soft was so blissful...

Azul: It was absolutely horrible so I got thiner since then. (Do you two think I'm a toy or something ?)

Floyd: Here!

Azul: Uwaah!?

Azul: Wh-what are you doing suddenly? You surprised me!

Floyd: I'm just checking if you're not catching some fat~

Azul: Ha..!? Wai- that tickl- Stop already, Floyd!

Floyd: I see, you're not getting any fat, but do you still have some muscles... You're eating the same thing I do, so why is that...

Azul: Don't put me in the same bag as you tw-... Hiii!!! You're tickling meee!!!

Jade: Azul, excuse me. Can you check the documents for tomorrow's reunion of dorm intendants...

Jade: Hey, you two look like you're having fun, what are you up to?

Floyd: Is your sight going bad, Jade?

Azul: H-Help... Stop him now, please!

Floyd: I'm just checking if Azul's belly isn't getting all squishy, you know?

Jade: I see.

Jade: Floyd, Azul tends to first gather his fat on his chin. So we need to check his face first.

Azul: Hiiii !!

Jade: The region around the neck has some pretty important blood vessels going through, and he gets fat from there easily on top of that?

Azul: St-Stop, Jade! It tickles!

Floyd: Aaah, I see... You feel it from the flabbiness of your chin to...

Azul: Hiii! Not th-there!!

Floyd: How is it around his arms?

Jade: What about his chest?

Azul: Uhyahyahyahya! It tiiiickles!!!!!

Jade: Hum, that's too bad, it looks like the chubbiness you were hoping for isn't there.

Floyd: Yeah, such a shame...

Azul: Yo-you two...

Azul: Seriously, give me a break.

Azul: Do you two want me to squeeze you both as a punishment?

*instant turn on*

Floyd: Jade... My peepee is all itchy...

Jade: I couldn't help but think it'd be pretty nice to be punished...

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