{Script 85} Child Encounter {Pt 2} {Lilia x Meleanor x Child Listener}

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*Days and days later. Things has settled down in Briar Valley. Only lost a few soldiers but not too many. Some that are still recovering from any injuries. The people that are unscathed is Princess Meleanor, Lilia, Baul and more importantly, the listener. Obviously Lilia didn't bring the kid along with their battle. He had to send the kid to the castle to hide. It wasn't that long til one of the servants aka the butler searched to find the General. He finally found him by a lake with the children of Briar Valley*

Butler: Heh, General with a group of kids. Now that's a rare sight to see. Then again, he was busting ass to save our country. So obviously the kids will see him as a hero. Funny...he doesn't look annoyed as there are kids hopping, skipping and jumping around him. Though, what is it to be mad about? Unless he's mad about the Silver Owls that killed some of his comrades. Bless their souls. *The servant sighed*

Boy 1: Wait...that's you?? You're the General of Briar Valley everyone was talking about?? *The kid looked at Lilia with big eyes*

Boy 2: Hey mister, how come we couldn't see you around? We never know what you look like!

Lilia: That's because I was busy training myself and my soldiers. You need to train and plan before jumping in the battlefield.

Boy 1: Otherwise it's...goodnight forever?

Lilia: Correct, always important to have a plan. *Lilia ruffled the boy's hair*

Little Girl: Hey hold still, I'm not done braiding. *The young girl whined*

Lilia: Pardon me young lady.

Little Girl: *The girl smiled and continued to braid Lilia's long hair*

Lilia: Say, you're really good at it.

Little Girl: Hehe thank you! My sister use to braid my hair for me.

Lilia: Have you learned it from your sister?

Little Girl: Mhm! Since I can't produce magic yet, I can only braid my hair with my hands. But once I have magic, I'll do my hair like my sister did!

Servant: Uhm, pardon my interruption kiddos but I would like to speak to General Lilia.

Kid 1: Awwww whyyyy?

Butler: Well my good lad. Just because there's peace in Briar Valley, doesn't mean Mr. Vanrouge is off duty. *The butler looks over at Lilia with a glare* Right?

Lilia: Tch... *Lilia rolled his eyes*

Butler: Hmph, perhaps this will switch your attitude. Ahem Mr. Vanrouge, the princess wants to see you...right now.

Lilia: *Like a light switch, Lilia changed his attitude right away* I...beg your pardon?

Butler: Ah I see we're in the same page. But yes the princess wants to see you...now.

Lilia: Now? As in..now now?

Butler: Yes, meaning if you don't come right away. We all know how she is when you're late. Like last time.

Lilia: Yeah yeah I know. I almost got cooked. This isn't the first time

Boy 1: Ooooo...guys check it out. The General is in trouble. *One boy whispered*

Boy 2: What could've he done? *Another boy asked*

Little girl: I heard the princess of Briar Valley gets really scary when she's mad. *The little girl said*

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