{Script 43} Happy Birthday Epel (Slow Dancing) {TWST Script}

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Epel: Eh? You want me to do what?

Yuu: Do you think we could slow dance? I'm sure Vil has taught you how to slow dance from your past experiences. Unless you don't want to.

Epel: I-I do! It just took me by surprise is all.

Yuu: Unless you know how to step on people's feet. *smirks*

Epel: Hush, I know how to slow dance. The amount of torture and stress Vil-senpai put me through, I guaranteed I know to do it!

Yuu: Ooooo you seemed very confident.

Epel: Again, if after all those lessons Vil-senpai taught me and I still manage to step on people's feet or fall on my butt. You better knock me out.

Yuu: *laughs*

~~At The Ballroom~~

**Music plays**

*they begin to slow dance*

Yuu: I'm surprised...you really know how to do it.

Epel: Haha, did you really think I wouldn't? Hmph, at least give me some faith.

Yuu: Hey it's okay, even if you did step on my feet or trip me. At least it'll be a funny moment while we dance in the moonlight. *looks out the window to see a beautiful full moon*

Epel: The moon is very beautiful...just like you.

Yuu: *blushes* H-Huh??

Epel: I- uhm...s-sorry! Too cheesy?

Yuu: *laughs* Not at all! I thought it was adorable. You're a really cutie, you know that right?

Epel: P-Pardon? I'm n-no cutie...I am a tough man!

Yuu: If you say so cutie~ *smirks*

Epel: Then we'll see...

*they continue their dance. This time more efficient*

Yuu: Oooo didn't expect this move. Very impressive~

Epel: Then it's best you keep up if you don't wanna scramble at the feet. *grins*

Yuu: Hey now, I never thought this would be a challenge. *laughs nervously*

Epel: Then a real cutie wouldn't be doing this! *he does the dip to Yuu*

Yuu: *looks up with a big deep blush on their face* O-Oh my~

Epel: Not too bad huh?

Yuu: N-Not at all. *grins and grab a hold of his waist*

Epel: Gah! Wh-What are you doing??

Yuu: I thought it was your turn to be the maiden of this dance~

Epel: Why?! Because I look like a female??

Yuu: Relax fox n friends. I love teasing someone like you.

Epel: *blushes and looks away*

Yuu: Awww the big strong man is going soft on me. How adorable~ *nuzzles against his cheek*

Epel: Nnngg...this is embarassingggg....

Yuu: Hehehe~ *puts their hands under his arms and lift him up*

Epel: Whoa whoa! What are you doing you lunatic??

Yuu: Picking you up. You look so tiny. I can literally lift you up over my head like a stuffed animal.

Epel: You're comparing me to a plushie?? *pouts*

Yuu: It's hard to resist a cute face like yours. I can't help but nuzzle and pick you up. *hugs him softly*

Epel: Ehehe, whatever makes you happy. But I'm happy you took the time and spent lots of quality time with me. Especially having our moment in the ballroom. Let's just hope to great sevens Vil-senpai or Rook-senpai doesn't see this.

Yuu: Why's that?

Epel: Because I'll never hear the end of it. Rook will just squabble about how I grew and improved on being a beautiful gentleman to treat someone else.

Yuu: And you find it a bad thing.

Epel: This was only the beginning. He'll just go beauty hungry and have a feast on it.

Yuu: And for...Vil?

Epel: *deadpans* He'll notice how I move my feet when dancing and would try to move me around like I'm some prop or mannequin from a shopping mall.

Yuu: You serious? I thought you used your feet pretty good.

Epel: That's what I would think. Knowing Vil-senpai...everything must be perfect.

Yuu: I'm sure you did amazing! And I had fun with you!

Epel: *giggles* I did too...thank you...for being the light of my birthday.

Brit's ScriptsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora