{Script 60} Hunted & Enslaved By Vampires {Vamp Vil x Vamp Rook x Listener}

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**Yuu was running deeper in the woods. Trying to get away from someone who was hot on their tail**

Yuu: Ha...Haa...haaaaaa...I think I got away. I should lose him... *They went to catch their breath when suddenly they hear rustling in the bushes* Crap! Please don't hurt me! *a squirrel came running out of the bushes. Causing Yuu to sigh in sweet relief* Ha...that's a relief. For a second I thought I was a goner.

Rook: I was wondering where you wandered off to. *He chuckled, approaching to Yuu*

Yuu: Crap...! He found me!

Rook: As a vampire huntsman. It's merely impossible to get away from me. I do have very good eyesight and a great sense of smell. Your scent smells rather....delicious~ *He smirked and pinned Yuu against a nearby tree* Watching you tremble and shake is so thrilling to me. Did I startle you~?

Vil: I thought I heard too much noise. Should've known it's coming from you Rook. *He grabbed Rook's shoulder to pull him away from Yuu* Now where are your manners? Shouldn't you know you shouldn't dive in on your food. You must be gentle and calm. A meal that's petrified and trembling will make it hard to eat. That's like trying to cook something that's alive.

Rook: My apologies my beautiful Vil. Perhaps I got a little too excited. And severely hungry~ *He looked over at Yuu while licking his lips*

Yuu: Th-There's another one...?

Vil: Another one? How rude.

Yuu: A-Ah! I didn't mean it like that. I mean like...y-you're a vampire too?

Vil: W-

Rook: Why certainly he is~! It's almost like yesterday when he turned me. My hunting skills has gotten better and with that much speed. I can capture any pray in lightning speed.

Vil: As I was-

Rook: I get chilling goosebumps from the soft touch he gave me when biting me.

Vil: May I speak now?

Rook: Ah! My apologies Roi Du Poison. It seems like I got carried away.

Vil: Obviously. Fufufu, what am I going to do with you? You remind me of a puppy who's a huge people lover. *He pulls Rook into a quick kiss on the lips*

Vil: *He then pulls away with smirk on his face* Are you going to speak now? Or are you feeling the love?

Rook: *He nodded happily and lovingly*

Vil: Then that will shut you up for a while. *He looked to see that Yuu was long gone. Well trying to get away from the two. It wasn't that long for Vil to gently grab their wrist, interlocking their fingers together* Where did you think you're going, love? You're really going to leave us here starving?

Yuu: D-Don't you two have each other? Can't you just suck each other's blood.

Vil: There's no need for that. We only do that when we're starving. When we're desperately hungry, we don't have the energy to hunt down our prey. Besides, you're right there. Helpless in my arms. *he said while wrapping an arm around Yuu's waist*

Rook: I thought you enjoyed sinking your fangs into my neck. *he playfully pouts*

Vil: It's rather rude for me to keep using you as a blood bag. That's not your main purpose of becoming a vampire. Now in an emergency I would have no other choice, my beautiful Rook.

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