{Script 65} Saved By The Huntsman {Rook x Listener}

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Rook: *he slowly opens the door to see if the listener's awake* Trickster? Are you awake?

Listener: .....

Rook: *he walks in the room and approaches Yuu, lightly shaking him awake*

Listener: Mmm... *they groaned as they feel Rook shaking them awake*

Rook: I know you're still tired but you haven't eaten anything for hours.

Listener: .....

Rook: At least have something in your stomach so you don't get sick from hunger.

Listener: ...*they slowly sit up, still groggy from the long nap they had* Where am I...?

Rook: Where you are? You're in my log cabin. I believe you don't remember anything, correct?

Listener: *they yawn and rubs their eyes* Not to my knowledge. All I remember was falling asleep in the middle of the woods with just a thin materialized blanket while next to a dinky looking campfire that didn't warm me up for shit. *they said in a drowsy tone*

Rook: Oui, hence why I carried you there. You were so cold that you didn't have any energy to move. The way your body shivered and your teeth chattering has shattered my heart to bits. You reminded me of a puppy that's been abandoned in the cold winter.

Listener: Is that why I strangely felt warmth? For a second, I thought I died from hyperthermia.

Rook: You would've died from hyperthermia if I didn't see your helpless body. *he sets something down on the bedside table and sits down on the bottom of the bed*

Listener: *they begin to stretch, getting all the energy in their body* Mm..what's this? *they asked*

Rook: I made you some beef and vegetable soup. Hopefully it'll help you warm up quicker. Be careful, It's still hot.

Listener: *they nodded and take a sip of the savoring soup* Mmm...it taste good. You had all this meat and vegetables to make this soup?

Rook: While you were asleep, I did stop over at a farmer's market to purchase some recipes to make a simple meal.

Listener: Oh sevens I even put you through everything to aid me... *they mumbled and pout*

Rook: Why the pouty look? Is something the matter?

Listener: It's just...I caused all that trouble for you. You did wander over to the market to get ingredients to make food for...me.

Rook: Non! Not only I made it for you but for myself. If that makes you feel better.

Listener: Still...I...felt so stupid sleeping out there in the cold. I shouldn't have trusted my so called friends.

Rook: So that's why you were stranded in the woods. How long were you out there?

Listener: Probably 5 hours.. *they shrugged*

Rook: My god! You were defenseless in the woods for 5 hours with no food and shelter??

Listener: If you put it that way then yes. You see, my friends and I were camping. Well was suppose to be a nice camping trip until my friends left me there. I don't know. Maybe they wanted to commit a felony just by ditching me. I shouldn't have trusted them. I thought that was odd they wanted to go camping in 40 degree weather. My dumb self invited myself. Heh..guess there's consequences for my actions.

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