{Script 87} Happy Birthday Idia {Trip To The Cat Cafe}

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Ortho: Nii-San, please come out of your room. You have a guest that wants to see you.

Idia: If it's the red tyrant. Tell him in not available or ever is.

Ortho: No it's not Riddle Rosehearts. But it is someone better.

Idia: And who would that be?

Listener: It's me Idia-Senpai! Are you ready to go?

Ortho: Prefect told me that they want to take you a very special place for your birthday Nii-San. *Ortho smiled*

Idia: Ohhh no! I'm not going out no way no how!

Ortho: *Ortho sighed* But Nii-San, it's your birthday. They want to take you somewhere for your special day.

Idia: Look listen, I don't care how special the place is or it's my special day. I am not going out to a place that's swarmed with extroverts. The thought of it makes my skin crawl. *Idia goes under his blanket*

Listener: *The listener sighed* It's not use. There's no way he'll come out of his room.

Ortho: Don't worry, I have an idea. *Ortho said with a grin*

*Minutes later, the listener and Idia are out of town.*

Listener: Come on Idia. Quit hiding yourself and come out. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Idia: Fun? You think going out to a huge town that's littered with extroverts is fun? Have you first met me?

Listener: Oh don't worry. I'm sure you'll change your mind after I take you to a special place.

Idia: And what would that said "special place" be?

Listener: Pffft it's not a surprise if I just tell you. You'll have to see for yourself.

Idia: Can you at least give me a hint?

Listener: Mmmm...nope. Now come on!

Idia: Seriously...I rather stay in my room and play around round with my online friend than be a center of attention in this hellscape.

Random Child: Look daddy! Check out this man's hair! Do you think it's made out of real fire?

Child's Father: Hmmm I don't know son. Let's go up to him and ask.

Random Child: I'll ask first! Hehehe! *The child approached behind Idia, looking up* Excuse me sir! But is your hair made out of real fire?

Idia: Eeee! Leave me alone! I wouldn't want to be the center of attention to begin with! *Idia ran off, leaving the child confused*

Random Child: Why did he run away?

Child's Father: Oh son, perhaps he's busy running some errands. The faster the pace, the faster you get done. Haha!

Listener: That's funny, I don't see Idia anywhere. Ah?! Did he really leave?!

*Just as the listener was looking around to find Idia. The blue haired male ran against the listener, knocking them both on the ground*

Listener: O-Ouch...I guess I found hi- *They look up to see Idia on top of them* O-Oh..dear.

Idia: Sheesh...what did I run into... *Just as Idia's vision cleared out, he notice himself on top of the listen. His face along with his hair glowed a tinted pink*

Listener: A-Are you gonna get off of me or are you gonna stay there and draw some attention? *The listener blushed*

Idia: S-Sweet merciful sevens! I'm s-sorry! *Idia got up fast, covering his face with his hoodie*

Listener: I-It's fine. Just...watch where you're going n-next time. *They looked away with a blush on their face*

Idia: Why are you blushing?? You're not the one who was on top!

Listener: Well I wasn't expecting a 6 foot man run into the top of me!

Listener: Actually it should be you since you are a bottom. *The listener mumbled*

Idia: W-What was that?

Listener: Nothing nothing, now come on. Let's go before I leave you. *The listener chuckles and walks off*

Idia: W-Wait wait wait! You're going to throw me to the wolves?? *Idia panically asked, trying to catch up with the listener*

Listener: If you get a little spring in your step.

Idia: I knew when Ortho told me he was going to come with me. I should've known that he would bail on me. He really tossed me in this battlefield of a town. *Idia mumbled and followed behind the listener*

Idia: I think that's enough for today. Let's turn around and go back, shall we?

Listener: No way, I didn't drag you out just so we could take a 10 minute stroll and go back. I'm taking you to this place.

Idia: Just what place are you talking about?

Listener: Just you wait. You'll like it. *The listener chuckled*

*The two walked for a good minute until they stopped in front of of a place that looks like a cafe*

Idia: That's it? That's the place you want to take me so bad. Looks like an ordinary cafe.

Listener: Ohoho it's not just an ordinary cafe. Why don't you come inside and see. *The listener takes his hand and goes inside*

Idia: *Idia looks around a bit, feeling a bit more anxious* R-Right...it's still an ordinary cafe w-with...people. Yeah...no thank you...I think I'll go ba-

*Suddenly a cat meowed from a distance, making Idia turn around, confused*

Cat: Meow!

Idia: What on earth..? A...cat? What's a cat doing in a place like this?

Cat: Murrrr *The cat approached Idia and jump up on his shoulders, rubbing against him*

Listener: Looks like it likes you Idia. Hm? What's wrong? You look happy but confused at the same time. *The listener snickered*

Listener: Do you know where we are or do you need another hint?

*The owner of this cafe opens a small door and a group of cats came running out, leaving Idia's eyes widen*

Idia: You took me to a...cat cafe?

Listener: Correct! Since you are fond of cats. I thought taking you to a cat cafe for your birthday is a good idea. That is you want to leave.

*Idia didn't say anything. Instead he was occupied from the cats*

Owner: Looks like someone is fond of cats. *The owner chuckled*

Listener: Oh you have no idea. Took me awhile to get him to come here.

Owner: Was something the matter?

Listener: He's....not really fond of being out in public.

Owner: Oh so he's an introvert. He looks like he's doing fine for being one.

Listener: When it comes to cats, he's a completely different person. That's why I wanted to take him there.

Owner: Well you chose a right place for his birthday. And I hope he does enjoy it.

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