{Script 2} Trick Or Treating With Gang {{Nanbaka Ocs Roleplay}}

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Zara: Oh boy! Halloween! The greatest holiday in the whole entire year of fall! Oh we should totally go trick or treating!

Hye-Jin: Zara, I don't think one of us wants to go trick or treating. Trick or treating is for babies. We are too old to be doing baby stuff.

Zara: Nonsense, anyone is never too old to go trick or treating.

Eui: I like to agree with Zara.

Hye-Jin: Eui, are you serious? Not you too-

Eui: I don't think you understand the true meaning of trick or treating.

Hye-Jin: Of course I do! What do you think I'm an idiot? The true meaning of that shit is wear silly costumes, ring the door bell and say "TRICK OR TREAT!" *sighs*

Eui: You're missing something...

Hye-Jin: And what would that be?

Eui: Free candy of course!

Hye-Jin: .....

Zara: Eui is right. Do you know how much Halloween candy cost? It's like $17 for a bag of different kinds of candies. Instead of spending the money on candy. When we can go out on the streets and get some candy.

Hye-Jin: Sounds like some drug deal for ecstasy. Besides, in no way in hell I want to dress up in a silly costume that might make me look like some fricken prostitute.

Zara: Tooooo late! I already got the costumes!

Hye-Jin: WHAAAAAT?! When?! I didn't see any Amazon packages!!

Zara: They came while you were taking a nap. And I ordered them back in September. *giggles*

Hye-Jin: Zara! You fricken sly bitch! *sighs* dear god...I don't know what the hell you got me. Better not be slutty...

Zara: Oh no. Here you go.


Zara: Ahahaha oops wrong one. Here you go.

Hye-Jin: Dear god...are you fucking serious..?

Zara: You are going to be Stitch! You'll look adorable! I heard you love Disney and Stitch is your favorite Disney character. *giggles*

Hye-Jin: BACK WHEN I WAS 7! I AM 24 YEARS OLD! There is no way in hell I am going to wear that! I will look stupid! *huffs*

Dace: And you don't think I look stupid?

Evie: I don't think you look stupid, I think you look adorable. *giggles softly*

Dace: Oh dear bloody sod! The hell I don't look adorable! I look like a dumb idiot!

Hye-Jin: Tsk, aren't you always an idiot?

Dace: Excuse me?! Look who's talking- OUCH!

Evie: Knock it off you cotton tailed British bitch. *sighs*

Dace: Ouch...you're hurting my feelings... *whines*

Evie: After all I am the queen of hearts. So maybe I have the bad side of me.

Dace: No I think the bad side of you is when you're on your period-OUCH! QUIT HITTING ME WOMAN!

Evie: Then quit being a little turd.

Dace: What are you going to do about it red head?

Evie: ....

Dace: Ha! You got nothing to say or do!

Evie: Better sleep with one eye open. You'll never know when I'll plot your death...

Dace: Eep!

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