{Script 40} Happy Birthday Vil (Affectionate Journey) {TWST Script}

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Yuu: Do you have a moment?

Vil: Hm? Oh, I wasn't expecting you to show up. You scared me a little.

Yuu: My apologies, I thought I would stop by. But if you're busy. I can try again tomorrow.

Vil: Sweet potato I don't work at a convenience store, I'm not open 24/7.

Yuu: So you are available?

Vil: I'm always available for someone like you. *chuckles*

Yuu: *blushes a little and smiles* Glad to hear that. I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Vil: Oh but the day isn't over yet. Therefore, it's still my birthday. We got plenty of time without any interruptions.

Yuu: Wh-What do you mean?

Vil: I already know what you came here for. *wink*

Yuu: ....

Vil: You came here to give me some affection til my special day is over? Isn't that right?

Yuu: Well I uhhhh...

Vil: Don't worry, we can keep that a sweet little secret between you and I.

Yuu: Well I uhhhh...

Vil: Or maybe we can have our happy little ending, if you know what I'm saying.

Yuu: Well I...huh?!

Vil: Pfft hahahaha, that look on your face. Did that scare you a little?

Yuu: *blushes* I mean I'm never scared when you mention about having a happy ending.

Vil: Yeah? But I'm only teasing you a little. You love when I tease you anyways.

Yuu: *blushes deeper*

Vil: I'm sorry? Were you planning to tease me like I tease you? Sorry to burst your ego up like a bubble. I bet you were looking forward to it. *laughs*

Yuu: M-Maybe just a little..

Vil: Aww but you love when I tease you~ I love seeing that sweet blush on your face. It fits you perfectly. *kisses neck*

Yuu: *squeaks a little and hides face*

Vil: Hiding are we? I want to see that cute blush. Please? For me? For your favorite birthday queen?

Yuu: *shakes head*

Vil: I love seeing your beautiful face. I love looking into your eyes. Can you do that for me?

Yuu: *finally gives in and looks into his eyes*

Vil: Took you long enough.

Yuu: Sh-Shush...!

Vil: *giggles and pulls Yuu into a hug* Got you~

Yuu: *squeaks a little but returns the hug*

Vil: I love you so much...you know that right?

Yuu: I-I've always love you. *smiles sweetly and begins to trace their fingers against his body*

Vil: Ah ah ahh~ I see what you're doing~

Yuu: *traveling their hands all over his body with a mix of a smirk*

Vil: Getting handsy on me aren't we?

Yuu: *smirks and buries themself against his chest* Maybe~

Vil: You're quite brave to make a move like that. Be careful what you wish for Sweet Potato, I am made of poison. Messing with someone with a strong chemically magic can be dangerous.

Yuu: Oops, then I guess I'm in danger~ *whispers in his ear*

Vil: Indeed you might be, not a wise choice for someone like you should be in danger. *smirks*

Yuu: *climbs on to his lap*

Vil: What plans does my Sweet Potato have in store?

Yuu: I'll let you figure that out yourself~

Vil: So you want that happy ending~?

Yuu: Huh?? No no!! Not what I mean!!

Vil: *chuckles* You're so cute when you get flustered.

Yuu: N-No I don't...

Vil: When I mention it, you get all red in the face. If you want the honest truth, you red in the face fits you.

Yuu: *hides their face and squeaks*

Vil: There you go hiding yourself under your cloak. At least I got the chance to see that beautiful face of yours~

Yuu: Nooo..... *whines*

Vil: Yes you are~ *place a kiss on the top of their head* Thank you....thank you for spending time with me. If you want  the honest truth, I was...looking forward in seeing you after the party. I did see you but I knew you didn't want to act this affectionate in front of everyone. I figured this would be something..."private".

Vil: Is that correct?

Yuu: M-Mhm...

Vil: Then I thank you for it. *cups their face and place a passionate kiss on their lips*

Vil: I love you....Sweet Potato.

Yuu: *slight blush* I-I love you too, Vil. Happy birthday my beautiful queen.

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