🔞{Script 90}🔞 Getting Your Playful Fae Ready {Lilia x Male Listener}

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It's Valentine's Day and the listener was invited to a party. Lots of friends and family to meet there. Excited, the listener wanted to take his fae boyfriend to this lovely event. The only issue is...the listener has to get that said boyfriend ready. Of course, it won't be easy since he loves to make everything a game. Luckily they have to be there in 2 hours so that gives them plenty of time to get ready. Let's hope Lilia's little game doesn't last 2 hours....or will it?

Listener: *The listener knocked on Lilia's bedroom door* Lilia? Are you getting ready? *He asked*

Lilia: ....Yeah...I'm getting ready. *Lilia said*

Listener: Oh really? Then why do I hear the sound of a video game?

Lilia: Oh shit... *Lilia quickly turned down the tv volume*

Listener: You're not ready..aren't you?

Lilia: Whaaaat? Sure I am!

Listener: So if I come in here, you're gonna be fully ready, correct?

Lilia: Just give me a couple minutes and I'll be out there. *Said Lilia*

Couple minutes went by. The listener went back to Lilia's room again, knocking on his door.

Listener: Alright Lils, it's been a couple of minutes. Your butt better be ready. *He mumbled*

Lilia: Few more minutes little bat!

Listener: You said that last time. What the devil are you doing?

Lilia: ...Nothing?

Listener: Honestly, it's like getting a child ready for school... *He groaned* That's it! I'm coming in!

Lilia: No wait!

Listener: *As soon as the listener opened the door, a pillow was thrown at his face. Knocking him to the floor* Owww...what the hell was that about? Why did you throw a pillow at me?

Lilia: Oopsie! Looks like my hand slipped~ Kufufu~

Listener: Slipped my ass. *The listener stood up and notice that Lilia wasn't ready*

Listener: Liliaaaaa, you said you were ready... *The listener whined*

Lilia: Did I say I was ready? I was just yanking your chain, kufufu~

Listener: Lilia this is serious. I want to be on time for the party and you lied about getting ready.

Lilia: Somebody's getting mad. *Lilia smirked*

Listener: You did this on purpose so I can go crazy on you.

Lilia: What? Nooo? Why would I tick off my precious little bat~?

Listener: Lilia, I know you. You like it when I get mad because you said I look hot when I'm angry. Even during sex you purposely become a little bratty bat so I can be rough with you. I can read you like the book.

Lilia: Oooo someone's playing the big role. Very bold of you~

Listener: It's not me playing the "big role". It's me knowing how you are. Now come on. Go take a bath and get yourself dressed.

Lilia: You really want me to take a "bath"? I'll just take a shower.

Listener: You know what? I'll give you a bath.

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