🔞{Script 4}🔞Dangerous Game {{Jekyll & Hyde Roleplay}}

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Jekyll: Honestly Hyde...you rotten speck! Your little stunt has made me look like a damn monster! Because of you!

Hyde: Relax...no need to get yourself into a fluster. *chuckles* I know deep down that lovely maiden enjoyed my presence. *laughs*

*merges out from Jekyll's body*

Jekyll: Ha! Enjoyed? You're funny! No way she would enjoy your presen-

Hyde: But...I saw in her eyes. That she wanted me. She had the opportunity to run away. But she didn't.

Jekyll: She ran off and hide! What are you bloody saying?!

Hyde: She was doing it in a playful way. I didn't sense any fear in her. *chuckles*

Jekyll: That's a load of crap for what I hear!

Hyde: Nope *laughs*

Jekyll: What's with that filthy grin on your face? Wait....blimey...don't tell me you got something planned...

Hyde: Oh? You got it! Congratulations!

Jekyll: *sighs* lord...

Hyde: I know she has a thing for....fear play.

Jekyll: F-Fear play? I beg your pardon?

Hyde: Oh don't tell me you don't know what that is.

Jekyll: I do, I just don't know what makes you think...that...the maiden has a thing for...fear play.

Hyde: Tell you what Jekyll. Let's take a lovely trip.

Jekyll: Oh no...what?

Hyde: You'll see. *laughs*

Jekyll: ...

{{Minutes Goes By}}

Jekyll: I know this is...quite random to say the least. Which I deeply apologized. You see...I wanted to...take you to a trip to...a...hedge maze. Don't know why.

Hyde: You'll see~

Hyde: Hello M'lady~ glad we can see each other again. Totally missed you. I'm sure deep down you missed me. Don't you think? Oh? Why are we at the entrance of the hedge maze? Hahahaha, that's a good question. Smart lady. So if you remember the last time we've met. During the whole afternoon tea fiasco.....Yes! Glad you remember that piece of memory.

Hyde: I thought we can play a game of cat and mouse. Why's that? Why play such an oh so innocent game. Trust me on this little lady. This game of cat and mouse won't be innocent. I know deep down you love to be frightened. Well....I didn't sense you being...really afraid of me....don't lie. I know you love a bit of fear play. And that is why we are here. Of course I am going to be the dominate fearful cat. And you'll be a weak helpless little mouse. Running for your life. *laughs*

Hyde: What are the rules of the game? Oh it's not that hard, no no no. So again, I'm going to be the big scary cat. And you are going to be the eensy weensy little innocent mouse. Since people uses them as experiments. You know...running around the maze to find the cheese. This time, you're going to be the one running around the maze to find the middle of the maze. *chuckles* But you get 3 tries. If I catch you 3 times..then you lose the game. Understood?...Wonderful. Then let's begin the game! *laughs*

Jekyll: Hyde, you bloody damn idiot! What have you got ourselves into? You know I am not interesting in that kind of stuff.

Hyde: Ah don't be a stick in a mud. It'll be fun~ Do not worry Jekyll~

Jekyll: *groans* Whenever you say it like that...it makes my stomach drop.

Hyde: *heavy footsteps* Oh darling~ come out come out where ever you are~? I can smell the fear in you~! Just thinking about the fearful look on your gorgeous face gets me a little excited. *chuckles* Oh? I can hear those running footsteps of yours, meaning I am getting closer and closer to you. *evil laughter* Looks like I caught you right... *pouncing sounds* NOW! *chuckles* Looks like the cat has caught the mouse. Awww, you look so helpless as I pinned you down onto the grass. *evil giggle* Oh looks like you've lost your first try. *bites and sucks* Two more tries and you lose. Good luuuck~ *footstep sounds*

Jekyll: Edward Hyde! What in the name of hell is wrong with you??

Hyde: What's wrong Jekyll? What's wrong~? What's wrong~? Hey hey hey!

Jekyll: Knock it off already. You already annoyed me as you already did. How dare you play such a repulsive game with my body.

Hyde: Oh no, you are me after all~~

Jekyll: You damn sod...

Hyde: I do whenever I want with that girl. I know deep down inside of her...she wants to lose to me.

Jekyll: Nonsense! It's a lie!

Hyde: Oh but dear Jekyll it's not a lie. I know deep down inside she wants me~

Jekyll: ...

Hyde: On second thought. I can sense her presence right now. *speed walks* One two I'm coming for you~ three four better lock your door~! Ah ha! I see you! I am coming for you! Awww looks like you got yourself cornered. Such a shame~ tsk tsk tsk~ poor little helpless princess. Ah ah ah~...what do you think you are doing? Trying to barrel past me. Like a little tiny mouse...trying to scurry away. *tackling sounds to the ground* Aww what a shame. Looks like you've been caught again. Oh such a shame~...You know...you got one more try. *bites and sucks* *kisses on the neck* If you lose your last try. That means you lost the game. I already know what my reward will be when I catch you one last try. Not like you want to win. I know you are getting yourself captured on purpose. *laughs evilly* You're not even trying~! You want to pay me back with your body...*whispers in ear* don't you~? Awww look at that cute expression on your face. It's almost like you want this. Isn't that right~? Well...hate to burst your bubble. But just to tease you. Maybe I won't allow you to pay me back with your body. Unless you're that desperate to lose my game. One last try darling~ *chuckles darkly*

Jekyll: Okay Hyde, that is enough playtime for today. I am way too uneasy than I already am from the beginning.

Hyde: Oh I only just gotten started. Jekyll dear, just admit it. You love it as much as I do.

Jekyll: Playing her like a helpless toy doesn't make me love it.

Hyde: Oh don't lie to me. You love this game as much as you love her. That's why you haven't stopped me from playing this game.

Jekyll: And what makes you think that?

Hyde: Again, if you didn't love this naughty little game. You would have stopped me, dragged her back to your facility and call it quits. But then again, you didn't do that. How come?

Jekyll: ...

Hyde: Your silence says that you do love it.

Jekyll: Shut it...

Hyde: Ha! So you know I'm right.

Jekyll: I guess?

Hyde: Enough with the chit chat. Now to find that beautiful maiden. *footstep sounds, this time more intimidating* A predator hunting for their prey! This time the prey wants to be captured~! I see you~! I can sense the fear! But I can taste your euphoria! Excited to be captured! Wanting to be captured! *grabs wrist and being plunged onto the ground* gotcha~! *pants a little and moans a little* The game is now over my darling~ *kissing sounds*....*sucking sounds and nibbling* Quit making those noises. You'll get me excited and I wouldn't want to give you a fun time out in the opening. Yes, nobody can see us. But you much rather have a fun time on a comfortable bed than on the dirty ground. *whispers* times up...looks like I've won~...my dear~ *blows in ear*

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