{Script 33} Vil Helps Epel Fall Asleep {TWST Roleplay}

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Vil: You want me to do what?

Epel: Yeah, I thought this would be awkward for me to say. Ehehe... *he smiles nervously*

Vil: Let me rephrase that. You can't fall asleep so you want my help to make you fall asleep. Is that correct.

Epel: Yes-

Vil: And to do that, you want me to trace my fingers on to your back?

Epel: *he blushes a little with embarrassment* I- y-yes...

Vil: I assume I have nothing better to do. As for myself, I can't seem to put myself to sleep. So we're an eye for an eye.

Epel: Eh? But...Vil-Senpai. That's unreal for you to not be tired. Usually by bedtime, you're knocked out asleep.

Vil: Well somehow today I'm wide awake.

Epel: I'm sorry? Did you have caffeine?

Vil: I assume Rook must've given me some tea with a tad bit of caffeine. I'm not fully fully awake to the point I am bouncing off the walls.

Epel: I-...I'd be concerned.

{{In the bedroom}}

Vil: Are you comfortable?

Epel: Mhm...

Vil: You're not falling asleep on me are you?

Epel: N-No...I'm..I'm not tired at all.

Vil: My main question is why did you ask me and not Rook? I know you are close with Rook then you are with me.

Epel: *he blushes a little and didn't answer*

Vil: Well?

Epel: I-I ummm...*mumbles* because I love your nails against my skin....

Vil: What was that?

Epel: I said.... *mumbles again* because I love your nails against my skin....

Vil: Epel, speak up or I won't do it.

Epel: Because I love your nails against my skin!! *he blurted out and blushes*

Vil: Oh I see. So you love when I trace my nails against your skin. Correct?

Epel: M-Mhm....

Vil: I don't know why you seemed embarrassed about it. It's just me tracing your back to put you to sleep. It's not like we're lovers or anything.

Epel: R-Right...

Vil: *lifts up his shirt a little* O-Oh dear....

Epel: Eh?

Vil: Nothing nothing, I'm just...thinking. That's all.

Epel: Vil-Senpai, you don't see how you can be embarrassed when meanwhile you remember the times you had to redress my dress shirt because I've done it incorrectly.

Vil: I assume you have a point. *he traces his index finger down Epel's back*

Epel: Eep! *jolts*

Vil: Careful. You don't want to accidentally break my nail. I wouldn't be too happy.

Epel: M-My apologies. It just startled me. *he begins to tickles a little and squirms just a tiny bit*

Vil: *chuckles* Hold still. How are you relaxing if you're squirming?

Epel: It's been a while since I had my back tickled like that.... *relaxes a little* My grandmother use to do it to me whenever I would help around the house. I guess when I gotten older, I thought I'm just too old for back tickles. I just thought it's my time to figure out how to put myself to sleep.

Vil: *runs his finger nails across his lower back* I see but you know. Nobody is ever too old for this kind of stuff. Tickles aren't just for kids. Funny enough, Yuu would traces the back of my knees and my calves because of how stressed I was. And I'm an adult.

Epel: Ehehe, I assume you are right....Vil-Senpai. *groans a little* This...feels....so good....

Vil: Glad you would enjoy it. *lifts his shirt up higher and goes to his upper back*

Epel: *giggles and laughs*

Vil: Tickles too much?

Epel: It does but I can handle it. Maybe it's your nails that made it ten times more ticklish.

Vil: Obviously, most people would say the same thing. Kinda obvious that claws makes any sensitive spots ten times more ticklish. *tickles his shoulder blades*

Epel: Mmmm....*huddles himself against Vil's lap*

Vil: So now you're interested in huddling yourself against me.

Epel: H-Hush....it's comfortable.

Vil: Or you just like my scent.

Epel: Shush! *face turns red*

Vil: I'm only joking, calm yourself. *tickles the back of his neck*

Epel: N-No not there...ehehehehe~ it tickles so much. *he laughs*

Vil: Right here? Does it tickle?

Epel: Yes! Yes it does!! *giggles more and buries his face against his dorm leader's thighs*

Vil: You seem to enjoy it though~

Epel: I-I wouldn't say I enjoy it! I don't enjoy torture! *blushes deeply*

Vil: Are you going to relax and fall asleep or are you going to be stubborn?

Epel: I-I'm sorry! N-Not my fault the back of my neck is...ticklish.. *huddles himself more against Vil*

Vil: Since when were you a cuddler? I thought you wanted to be a man? Right now, your acting sweet and adorable.

Epel: *face turns red in embarrassment* J-Just now because.... *yawns sweetly* It feels so good and you're comfortable to lay on.

Vil: My thighs?

Epel: *pauses a bit* Y-Yes...

Vil: *runs his fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp*

Epel: Mmmm...~ *slowly closes his eyes*

Vil: Feels good doesn't it? What if I just use my nails gently?

Epel: *jolts a little bit sighs in relaxation*

Vil: So you do like it. Very interesting.

Epel: *yawns a little more and drift off to a sweet slumber*

Vil: Epel? Are you asleep?

Epel: *he doesn't answer and make cute adorable sleepy noises*

Vil: Ara, so the answer is yes. *he pets his head gently* Sweet dreams..Epel.

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