☆ 6.26 ~ tattooed heart

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you don't need to worry
about making me crazy
'cause i'm way past that eh,
and so just call me, if you want me
'cause you got me
~ ariana grande, tattooed heart

question of the chapter: will you be reading my klaus fanfic?

Lydia took a deep breath as she walked into the kitchen, noticing Kol kneeling in front of the dishwasher with a frown on his lips. His eyes scanned the different buttons that were at the front of it. He still struggled with some technology that he never had to use. Mostly anything used for cleaning. Dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers. He hadn't had much time to learn how to use them. They had mostly been staying in hotels throughout the years, and in New York they hired a staff to clean. Here they both agreed not to hire anyone. They didn't like the idea of people they weren't close with in their home and they didn't think it would be good for Estelle either.

Lydia walked over to Kol, pressing the start button for Kol, who looked up at her when she did that, frowning for a second and looking at the dishwasher before looking back up at Lydia.

"I was about to do that," He announced suddenly, standing up from the floor and turning to face Lydia. The sound of laughter rang out from outside the window causing them both to look up at the window above the kitchen sink. Through the open window they could see Estelle running around in the play area that they had set up for her, with Rebekah at her side.

It had been a few weeks since Rebekah returned. She only stayed the one night, but had been back multiple times to bond with Estelle. So had Elijah and Elena. They introduced her to Stefan and Jeremy, but that was it for now. They were trying to move slowly so that they did not overwhelm her, and they still had to help her adjust with living to them and getting her accustomed to something's she didn't have before, like the ability to play in the backyard and having two people willing to help her at any moment.

They had brought her to therapy for the first time a few weeks ago too. It seemed to go well. She was nervous when she went in, especially when Kol and Lydia stepped out, but she seemed more relaxed afterwards. When they got home, she got to meet Rebekah which distracted her a bit. The therapist had matched what Elena had said, she didn't seem to show any signs of physical abuse, but of neglect and some verbal abuse. She was hesitant around new people and unaccustomed to having people look out for her. The therapist also believed that Estelle wasn't talking out of fear and not being used to having anyone to talk to. Her father seemed to barely acknowledge her existence and probably wanted her to act like she wasn't there.

They had done their best to be there for her and she was showing some signs of growing more comfortable with them. She was more comfortable for asking for things, like a snack when she wanted one, or reaching something for her if it was too high. She would hug both of them goodbye, and didn't get worried when one of them went to the store, but she did like to go with them.

"She seems to really like Rebekah," Lydia noticed.

"How could she not?" Kol chuckled."Rebekah does whatever she wants. And brings her gifts."

"Not more than Elijah," Lydia added."Seriously. He brings her a stuffed animal every time he sees her."

"That is not that many," Kol shrugged his shoulders.

"She has to use the wagon from outside to carry them all," Lydia pointed out with a laugh while she looked back at Kol."I was thinking by the way, maybe we should try to get her on some type of routine. So she feels some structure. Every day has pretty much been completely different for her so far."

"I suppose so," Kol nodded his head in agreement. So much was still changing everyday as they learned more about her and they learned more about themselves as parents."That will be a little more difficult for her until she starts school."

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