☆ 1.18 ~ pov

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i'm gеtting used to receiving still gеtting good at not leaving i'ma love you even though i'm scared
I can feel it startin' to subside
learnin' to believe in what is mine
~ ariana grande, pov

i'm gеtting used to receiving still gеtting good at not leaving i'ma love you even though i'm scared~I can feel it startin' to subsidelearnin' to believe in what is mine~ ariana grande, pov

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Lydia's room was typically a place of comfort for her. She felt safe in her room. The one place where she could escape all her troubles. She felt even safer under the covers of her bed. But the warmth and comfort of them couldn't help her this time. Not when her problems weren't outside the walls of her room, but inside the walls of her mind. Something was wrong with her. That was the only explanation she could have for what she experienced. She didn't know what, maybe it was the head injury she had in the car crash, but something wasn't right. She hoped that she was wrong and that this was all some dream. That she would wake up in a little bit and everything would be okay. But Lydia didn't see an ending to this nightmare anywhere in sight.

A knock at the door caused her to sink deeper into her covers, pulling them over her head and hoping that whoever it was would go away. It was either Caroline or Kol. Kol who was killed last night and yet he was somehow still standing.

"Lyds, please open the door, sweetie," Caroline knocked at it again, but Lydia still remained silent."I know that you're scared and probably have a million questions, but we just wanna help you, okay?"

Lydia wanted to tell them to go away, but she couldn't find it in herself to speak.

"Kol, what are you-" Caroline began, but before she could finish there was a loud snapping sound and the door to her room opened. Lydia wasn't sure how they got in, but she didn't bother to check since she was still in her little bundle of blankets.

"Come out from under there," Caroline sighed, walking over to the side of the bed and watching as Lydia didn't move at all, remaining in her spot."Come on, Lyds. You aren't going to stay in there forever are you?"

Caroline sighed when Lydia still remained quiet, reaching forward and pulling at the comforters but her efforts did little to nothing since Lydia was holding onto them to keep Caroline from doing so."Lydia, let go! Your boyfriend is here, you know?"

"No he's not, he's dead," Lydia finally spoke. Her voice could barely be heard since she was whispering and speaking into the comforter.

Caroline glanced towards Kol, narrowing her eyes at him when he didn't say anything and gesturing towards Lydia, hoping he would get the hint.

"What?" Kol wondered why she was staring at him like that."Technically, she isn't wrong."

Caroline rolled her eyes and let out a grumble, turning towards Lydia and grabbing the comfort once again, using her vampire strength to rip it clean off Lydia who still hadn't let go of it and as a result, she was pulled upward somewhat. Lydia tried to grab them back, but Caroline threw them on the floor by her dresser.

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