☆ 5.10 ~ alive

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and i realise
you have to feel alive
and all your worries will escape through the door
and you'll wake up all alone on the floor
~ gabrielle aplin, alive

and i realiseyou have to feel aliveand all your worries will escape through the doorand you'll wake up all alone on the floor~ gabrielle aplin, alive

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"Could you stop yelling at me before you absolutely destroy my eardrum?"

Stefan winced as he listened to the voice on the other end of his phone, squinting his eyes due to the sun that was beginning to set, which would hopefully make for beautiful lighting for the ceremony. The day of the wedding had finally arrived and Stefan would be lying if he said he was completely okay with it, but right now, he had Rebekah distracting him from his thoughts.

"I apologize for having an appropriate reaction to my girlfriend going missing after she just killed for the first time," Rebekah exclaimed loudly.

"And I understand why you're upset, but I'm not in Mystic Falls, I can't help you," Stefan reminded her. Rebekah had called him a few minutes ago, explaining to him that Rae had killed someone a little while ago and was now missing."Bonnie is there. So is Liz. They can help you find Rae."

"That is not why I called you," Rebekah explained to him."I called you because. . . I think that Rae might be a ripper."

This peaked Stefan's interest, causing him to straighten in his spot and tighten his grip on the phone."What makes you say that?"

"Because she took the woman's head off!" Rebekah answered with a frustrated sigh.

"That doesn't mean that she's a ripper, Rebekah," Stefan informed her."That can happen to any vampire if they don't have control. But if she's out of control, you should find her. Make sure that she's alright."

"I know where she is, I just have not gone to her yet," Rebekah told him."After searching for her, I decided to check her old home. It has not been sold yet and she is in her room. I have not confronted her because I do not know what I am dealing with."

"You aren't dealing with anything yet, if Rae was a ripper, there would be many more bodies," Stefan explained to her."You and I both know that. So stop delaying and go check on her."

Stefan didn't wait for Rebekah to respond before he hung up the phone. He knew that his response was a bit too sharp, but he was already on edge being at the wedding. He was here for Lydia and he wanted to support her, but it was hard doing so. He didn't have time to worry about Rebekah's dramatic explanations for things. Though he did make a mental note to check on Rae after the ceremony and make sure that everything was okay.

Lydia never thought that she would live to see the day that she wore a wedding dress. She imagined this day as a child, but she didn't think that she would live long enough for it to happen. She figured that she would die before she would be able to get married and that no one would love her enough to marry a dying woman. She had Jace when she was older, but Lydia knew that she would never marry him.

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