☆ 6.25 ~ going home

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everyone wants
everyone dreams
in the end love is all we need
when we get close, everyone knows
feels like we're going home
~ the score, going home

question of the post: what act of this fic has been your fav?

Lydia shifted onto her other side for what seemed like the hundredth time since she had gotten into bed for that night. She looked straight ahead at Kol who's side of his face was pushed against the pillow. He had been asleep for about an hour now. Lydia on the other hand hadn't even been able to keep her eyes closed for more than four seconds.

It had been a few days since Kol and Lydia had decided to look after Estelle, and what a busy few days it had been. They decided it would be best if they moved into their new house as soon as possible, not wanting Estelle to get adjusted to the manor and then have to take her away. They also had to decorate Estelle's room since none of them were fit for a child, but Lydia quickly learned she loved anything that was pink, purple, or blue, which made decorating a lot easier. They also did end up talking to Caroline, who found a private tutor for her and Hope to take lessons at the school once she turned four, since there were no other students their age.

But outside of Caroline, no one else knew that they were adopting Estelle. They didn't have the time to deal with anyone's opinions on the matter. Lydia was sure her side of the family would be fine, and would understand if they asked for a few days, but Kol's wouldn't. She knew that for a fact. Elijah had already called them every day about when he could meet his niece. Lydia assumed that no one aside from Caroline and Elijah knew. Maybe Alaric if Caroline told him and maybe Rae. But so far, they had all respected their space. Estelle was still getting used to being around Lydia and Kol, they didn't want to push too many people on her at once.

But still, it had been a busy week and there was still things they were figuring out. They were working on getting a therapist for Estelle and trying to learn more about her. What her life was like before, what she liked, what she was afraid of. So far, they were taking it one step at a time. But Lydia couldn't tell if Estelle was any more comfortable with them now than she was before.

So far, she had been a relatively easy child to look after. She hadn't cried once. She hadn't had any emotional magical outbursts. She brushed her teeth, ate the food they gave her, and went to sleep easily. Lydia and Kol both knew that she was trying to be on her best behaviour. She was more comfortable with them, but still on edge. They were doing the best they could to ensure her that they would never hurt her.

"What are you worrying about, Angel?" Kol mumbled quietly, his eyes still closed tight.

Lydia smiled a bit."Your eyes aren't even open."

"There is a signal in my brain that goes off when something is troubling you," Kol pointed to his head, causing Lydia to laugh but sometimes she wondered if he really did."You're worrying about Estelle, aren't you?"

"I'm worried that we might not be what she needs," Lydia admitted as Kol opened his eyes and reached for her hand, taking it into his and squeezing it gently."We have no experience being parents."

"Each child is different, no one has experience in raising any one child," Kol pointed out.

"But they know some general things," Lydia continued."Like we just moved into a house right in the lake. With a three year old who doesn't know how to swim. What if she wanders out at night?"

"So we will lock the doors and tell her to never go outside without one of us," Kol reminded her."We'll teach her how to swim. She's a smart kid. It has only been a week. This is an adjustment for everyone, but we'll be fine. And she will have a big family. She'll be surrounded by people with her best interest at heart."

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