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"Hao, come and sit here. I need to talk to you". Minghao was confused as why Jun suddenly wants to talk after returning home. And not to mention Jun looks serious. He was a little worried as what it could be but he still sat on the bed in front of him.

"Yes hyung?"

"I want to talk about Wonwoo". Now Minghao was more scared, did Wonwoo told Jun what happened in the morning? Off cours it has to be that or why would Jun talk about him. So Wonwoo actually complains about him to Jun. This is what Minghao thought.

"Hyung, I am sorry. I know I shouldn't have said that and I also went to apologise but he wasn't home". Minghao told him.

"What are you talking? You said something to Wonwoo?" Jun asked narrowing his eyes.

"He didn't complain about it?" Minghao asked looking up and Jun shook his head as a response.

"Ammm hyung, I actually called him attention seeker today. I am sorry, I was just angry, because I was jea............   Ammm I mean.... I just said it by mistake but I promise I went to apologise but I didn't find him in his room. He wasn't home, so I thought of apologising later". Minghao confess, Jun frown as he felt sorry for Wonwoo. How must the latter have felt after getting insulted by his own friends.

"Minghao, did you really have to do that? Ammmm but as it already happened, we can't change it. I'll apologise to him myself for it. But the thing I wanted to talk wasn't about this".

"I'm sorry hyung, I know what I did was wrong". Minghao just looked down.

"Listen to me...... Ammmm, Mingyu is actually, he is cheating on Wonwoo". Minghao looked up with shocked expression.

"Hyung, you are not lying?" He asked. Jun shake his head. Minghao felt tears gather in his eyes. Jun explained everything to him and now Minghao was ashamed of his own act. How can he doubt his Wonwoo hyung, who he has always loved.

Minghao kept on crying, Jun doesn't want to see his Hao like this so he hugged him, stroking his hairs. Minghao quickly wrapped his arms around Jun, and cried.

Jihoon wanted to talk to Soonyoung but he decided to talk after the dinner as Soonyoung went to take shower after coming back from work. Jihoon also get ready for the dinner. He don't know what was the occasion but it's father's wish so why not.

"So what's the occasion mother?" Seungcheol asked as they all were sitting in the private room of the restaurant.

"It's our 27th anniversary this month". She told them. Off course all the brothers know and are already planning for the party.

"We know Eomma, we are already working on the party's preparation". Hansol told her. She smiled knowing her sons never forgets any special occasions.

"Wow, it's father and mother's anniversary? We should have a very big party". Jeonghan cheered.

"Off course we are going to have it Eomma". Soonyoung said smiling. But others looked at him surprised as what he just called Jeonghan.

"I mean, right Eomma?" Soonyoung said looking at his mother who just nodded still confused. Jeonghan was literally holding his breath.

"You taught him, don't you?" Jisoo asked whispered him. Jeonghan gave him a nervous chuckle.

"But we can discuss about it at home, why are we here?" Jun asked curious.

"Ammm actually there is something else we have to say". Their father said clearing his throat.

"Now we get to the point, I bet there is something". Seungkwan whispered to YN, who nodded agreeing.

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