Thanksgiving part 2

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"I'll take your coat," I warmly offered to Valentina, carefully helping her remove it.

"Thank you, Benito, you're so sweet," Valentina said, casting a flirtatious charm. Jenn's immediate reaction was palpable; her discomfort was evident.

"I go by Ben, and of course, no problem," I replied, placing Valentina's coat in the closet.

"Papi, can I see you in the kitchen? I need your help with some stuff," Jenn interjected, her irritation thinly veiled. I followed her, sensing her annoyance.

"Don't you dare get close to her. She's like her mother and is a huge flirt. You got it? You're mine," Jenn whispered angrily, glaring at me. "Only I can call you Benito," she growled.

"Babe, you don't have to worry about her. You're my wife and my trophy I get to show off," I assured, pulling her close and rubbing her sides to calm her down.

"Don't let me down, Ben. I mean it. Take care of my mom as if she was your mom. Don't let Lydia make passive-aggressive remarks. Defend my mom when I'm not there. Got it?" she demanded, and I nodded.

While the reasons behind the hatred for her stepmom and half-sister remained unclear, I adhered to Jenn's directives, navigating the drama that unfolded within the family.

As I observed the family interacting, the atmosphere seemed charged with unspoken tension. The kids, just waking up, eagerly went downstairs and were thrilled to find their grandparents reunited in one room. They greeted David and Lupe first before acknowledging Lydia and her daughter Valentina.

"Even the kids know better," I whispered to Jenn, who nodded in agreement.

Violet, quick to pick up on the dynamics, remained kind to everyone but opted to stay close to my mom and Lupe.

"So tell me about this love story of yours. How exactly did you guys meet, and why Jennifer?" Lydia asked, a soft smirk playing on her lips as she scrutinized me.

"Well, I met my beautiful wife on set, and something about her just drew me in. Yes, her looks are attractive, but it's her personality, the way she carries herself, her charisma, and how she gets things done – excuse my words, David and Lupe – but it was a genuine turn-on," I chuckled, casting an affectionate look at blushing Jenn.

"But her having kids didn't throw you off? You don't want a woman with no kids?" Lydia probed, with Valentina eyeing me up and down, analyzing my response.

"Lydia," David interjected with a warning tone.

"No, no, it's okay, David. Jennifer and I understand each other very well because we both have kids. When you have kids of your own, you want to find someone who understands what it takes to work and provide for them. I chose Jennifer because she's amazing with my kids, and I love her kids just as much as if they were my own," I explained, smiling as I pulled Cy into my lap and kissed their head. Despite their strong dislike for Lydia, Cy remained polite.

"I don't mean to be rude; it's just a simple question. But why did you choose my grandpa? Didn't you want someone without kids?" Violet chimed in, her tone smart and sassy.

"Well, David chose me actually. But yes, it would've been nice. However, you can't help it when you meet someone with an amazing personality and charm like him," Lydia responded, flashing a smile at David. Glancing at Jenn, I rubbed her knee softly, silently reassuring her to stay calm amidst the brewing drama.

""Mhm... well, it was nice chit-chatting with you all. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving," Lydia responded, subtly signaling to David that it was time to leave as she rubbed his thigh.

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