"Do you have any objections, Artie?"

"No, I will follow your arrangements, my king," she responded obediently.

"You have been studying by my side for quite some time. Let me see how much you have learned."

She nodded. "Yes, my king!"

He then addressed both Artoria and Morgan. "Do either of you have any further questions?"

Artoria hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "My king, I feel that you--"

He cut her off with a stern look. "Hmm?"

She quickly retreated, bowing her head. "It's nothing...I have no further questions," she murmured softly.

"You have three days to travel to your territories," he declared, closing his eyes dismissively. "Now leave me. I'm tired."

"Yes, my king," Artoria and Morgan replied quietly as they left the palace.

Thumbing through paperwork, Guinevere spoke up. "You've already decided for Morgan, haven't you?"

Shirou narrowed his eyes. "What makes you say that?"

Unfazed, she continued. "You gave her wealthy Cornwall - that's proof enough of favoritism. As long as Morgan puts on a decent show, you'll dismiss Artoria out of hand and name Morgan your heir."

Looking confused, she asked, "If you doubt Artoria's abilities, why make us both sign that contract?"

"I intended for her to inherit the throne back then," Shirou replied with a weary sigh. "But I've since changed my mind."

"Why the sudden change?"

He shot her a scathing look. "You're overstepping. Seems you've forgotten your place."

Undeterred, she smiled mischievously. "But I am a fairy, my king. The magical contract has been lifted, and I am free to leave whenever I please. You wouldn't harm me, would you?" she teased.

In response, he seized Guinevere by the hair, pulling her towards him roughly.

"Ow, ow, ow!" she whimpered, her face contorted in pain.

He sneered at her. "Indulging in spoiled behavior is unbecoming of a fairy. You'd do well to show more respect, especially to a fickle king."

"If you pull my hair again, I'm going to leave!" she protested.

His expression remained disdainful as he regarded her coolly.

In a fit of frustration, she stomped her foot and declared, "I am not joking, my king!"

He scoffed, "Just focus on your duties."

Guinevere gritted her teeth and seethed inwardly at the king's insufferable demeanor.

'He doesn't take me seriously at all!' she fumed inwardly.

"I am a fairy! A powerful fairy, Vivian!" Guinevere exclaimed in frustration.

Shirou glanced at her briefly before drawing his sword and brandishing it towards her head. Guinevere's heart raced as she realized that he was threatening to shave off her hair.

"No...I'm Guinevere. I'll fulfill my duties, I promise."

He lowered his sword and rose from his seat, heading towards the door without another word.

"Where are you going?" Guinevere asked in a hurry.

"It's the king's business. Don't worry about it. Just do your job well and I'll be sure to praise you for it," he waved his hand and left.

As she watched the king's retreating back, Guinevere couldn't help but pout in frustration.

"Why does he always treat me like a child? Ugh, he's so infuriating!" she made a face at the king's back and stuck out her tongue.


Walking through the bustling streets, Artoria felt lost and empty after departing from the palace. As a dutiful subject, she always followed the king's commands without question. However, with the king's impending departure, she was left feeling unsure of what to do next.

Though she knew it was her duty to accept the king's decision, the emotions churning within her made it difficult to keep a level head. It was as if the person she had always admired, the one she had always relied on, was suddenly gone.

Artoria clutched her chest, feeling suffocated by the weight of her emotions. She couldn't even find the words to describe what she was feeling.

Merlin had never taught her about this.

"What's the matter, Artoria?" Arcueid noticed the despondent expression on Artoria's face as she sat on the street, watching the children play.

"I'm not sure...I just feel...so sad," she replied with a bewildered look on her face.

"You're not even sure what's causing your sadness?" Arcueid questioned.

"No..." she replied with a nod.

"Then let me help you work through it," Arcueid said, placing a comforting hand on Artoria's shoulder and directing her to gaze into her own eyes. "Just look into my eyes and don't look away."

She obeyed Arcueid's instruction, meeting her mesmerizing gaze. A tidal wave of emotions crashed over her, overwhelming her senses completely.

---"Good morning, Artoria. You're back from patrolling the town?"

---"From now on, I want you to return to your female form."

---"Artoria, guess what I have? Food? No, it's fireflies!"

---"Don't be so quick to sacrifice yourself. Appreciate the beauty you've sworn to protect."

---"Glory means nothing. You're alive and can provide for yourself. That's my greatest achievement!"

---"Artoria, this will be the last time our people starve! I vow to use all my power to ensure they never suffer like this again!"

As the memories flooded back, Artoria couldn't help but recall the king who had profoundly impacted her life. Yet she knew he was only passing through. Soon he would be gone, never to be seen again.

This realization was too much for her to bear. Her emotions, which had been controlled by her suppressed emotions, now cracked, and with the help of the Mystic Eyes, came rushing to the surface. Tears streamed down her face.

Seeing Artoria's tears, Arcueid panicked. "Oh no, what did I do? I'm so sorry, please don't cry!"

"I don't want to cry...I can't stop it..." she sobbed, emotions long-repressed now flooding out unrestrained. "I don't want him to go!"


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Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें