Chapter Thirty-Two.

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Chapter 32: Stay or Leave?

The next day I was sitting outside in the backyard with Max and Lando, enjoying the sun. Aria wasn't feeling too well so she was still asleep and Carlos had gone out for a run. Charles and Pierre had gone on a supply run and to pick up Alexis from her father's house nearby. Pierre and I hadn't spoken to each other all morning and by the looks of it, he was angry at me for spending the night with Carlos. He probably knows that I kissed Carlos too because when I got up this morning, I saw Carlos and Pierre talking to each other in the hallway. I'm not angry at Carlos if he did tell Pierre because at the end of the day, they are good friends and Carlos did the right thing. It's better that Pierre hears it from Carlos rather than me.

"Things were very intense last night. Are you okay, Skye?" Asked Max. He had a look of concern on his face. He obviously heard something from someone.

"What exactly happened? The only thing I know is that Nicole moved back to town." Lando said.

Both Max and Lando turned to look at me for answers. I thought for a short moment whether I should tell them or not, keeping in mind that they would eventually find out from someone else either way. They'll rather hear it from me than get some twisted version of the story. "On Monday morning, when Pierre went to see Nicole, he had sex with her. Literally the day after I gave myself over to him, he fucked his ex-girlfriend." I said.

Max immediately covered his mouth with his hand whilst Lando looked at me with widened eyes. "You're joking, right?" Lando asked in disbelief.

I shook my head signalling no.

"That is so disrespectful." I heard Max mutter underneath his breath.

I bowed my head as I fiddled with my fingers because deciding to confess. "But I'm not innocent either. After I ran away from you Max, I went upstairs and accidently went Carlos's room. I was so drunk that I kissed him." I said. I avoided eye contact with the two boys. I was embarrassed by my actions.

"Pierre is going to flip when he finds out." Lando said. I mean we all were practically thinking it.

"He already knows. Carlos told him this morning." Max said, confirming my theory.

"Are you sure because the roof is still on the house?" Lando asked sarcastically.

Max laughed at his question. "Yeah the roof is still on but sadly he nearly blew his knuckles." Max said.

My eyes widened at the words that came out of Max's mouth. "Is he okay?" I asked immediately.

"He's fine. I treated his wound properly." Max said and gave me a reassuring smile.

I let out a sigh of relief instantly. I might be angry at Pierre but that doesn't mean that I want to see him get hurt. Speaking of the devil, he appeared out of nowhere. I noticed the bandage around his palm and wondered if it hurt. He walked over to us and sat down in the vacant chair that was across from me.

"Lando, you wanna go play some sim?" Asked Max as soon as Pierre sat down. Max stood up before Lando could even respond.

"Yeah, let's go." Lando responded and practically jumped out of his chair.

"Behave you two!" Max said. He shot me a quick glare and patted Pierre on the shoulder before walking away and disappearing in the house.

Lando made sure to close the sliding door so that nobody would hear our conversation.

I sat there with my arms folded anxiously waiting for Pierre to say something. He seemed more calm and collective than he usually is when he's angry. However with saying that, his deep gaze was staring holes in my body. "So where's Carlos? I thought you would be with him since you kissed him last night and then slept in the same bed as him all whilst wearing his t-shirt." Pierre said. He had that smug look on his face that made me want to slap him. That was such a cheap move he made.

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