Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Skyler's POV.

Chapter 36: True Colours.

Waking up next to Carlos the next morning was a bit strange to say the least. Yes we slept in the same bed but nothing happened between us after the kiss. Out of respect for Pierre, Carlos asked that we keep our contact minimal. I was a little relieved that he asked me to do that because I didn't want to interfere with Carlos and Pierre's friendship. Things were already messy so I didn't want to stir up anymore drama between them nor did I want to be the reason for the drama.

After taking a shower and having a wash, I quickly changed into a floral summer dress before rushing off downstairs. As I walked into the foyer, I could hear the boys chatting in the kitchen. Tiptoeing I walked a little closer so that I could eavesdrop into their conversation.

"Are you really surprised that Pierre chose not to come home last night?" Asked Lando.

"No but this is his home. He shouldn't have to be put into a situation where he feels like he can't come home just because of a girl who doesn't even stay here." Said Charles. I have to admit, hearing those words come out of his mouth hurt alot. "Don't get me wrong, I love Skyler and I am not taking sides here but this is Pierre's home. He belongs here." Charles added.

"Charlie's right. We shouldn't have to wake up in the morning and have to wonder where is our Pierre or if he's okay. We shouldn't have to worry about things like that." Said Max. Which made me wonder, where exactly was Pierre and was he okay?

"I agree with you guys one hundred percent but right now all that matters is that he's okay and thanks to Beck he is." Said George.

Beck? What does Beck have to do with this?

"I still can't believe that he stayed the night at Becks place." Max scoffed.

My eyes widened almost immediately. So many questions flooded my mind. Pierre and Beck together? Why were they together? Why did Pierre spend the night with Beck? And most importantly, why did Beck allow him to spend the night at his apartment?

"Where's Carlos? Has anyone seen him this morning?" Charles asked.

"Yeah he went out for a run. He said he needed to clear his head." Lando responded.

"I kind of knew that he was going to get dragged into this mess." George said.

I wondered what he meant by that but then I got my answer when Max said, "Yeah me too, from that spin the bottle kiss." And that was when I realised that they were referring to me. I was the mess they were talking about. A tear escaped my eye as I stood there in disbelief. These guys have been so nice to me from the very beginning and to hear them talk like that behind my back made me question what kind of people they really were.

I thought that I had escaped all the lying and backstabbing when Beck and I broke up because that click, all of Beck's friends pretty much invented those words but instead, I entered a new click that is evidently the same. I know that I had made a mess of things but hearing them talk about me like that was very heart breaking. At that moment I knew that I didn't want to stay in that house much longer so I silently creeped back up the stairs to retrieve my belongings before slipping out of the house without anyone noticing.

I tried to walk towards the bus stop as fast as I could in an attempt to avoid running into Carlos but halfway there, my legs started to ache. With my head down the conversation between the boys from earlier played in my head as I continued to walk down the street like an hallow that was until the sound of an hooter caused me to flinch. I looked up to see Pierre's car pulling up to the side of me.

I stopped as he rolled down his window. "Get in." Was all he said. His eyes looked puffy and he had bags underneath them which indicated how tired he was. He looked a little ruffed up and from experience I would say that he was hungover.

"Why didn't you come home last night? The boys were really worried about you." I asked him. He looked away almost immediately. He remained silent as I stood there waiting for an answer and once I knew that I wasn't going to get one, I started to walk away from him.

"SKYLER!" I heard him call out but I didn't stop. I simply continued walking. Suddenly I heard a car door open. "SKYLER, GET IN THE CAR!" Yelled Pierre who had jumped out of his car. We were standing in the middle of the street and here he was yelling without a care in the world.

"Why should I? Why should I get into a car with you after you disrespected me? After you refused to apologise to me? You couldn't even see how wrong your actions were and to make it worst you still had the audacity to bring her to the party last night." I said as I tried to fight back the tears that were forming in my eyes. For some reason, being around Pierre made me soft. It made me vulnerable and I hated that. I hated the fact that he was the only person who could affect my emotions like that. I hated the fact that despite everything that had happened between us, I still wanted him. I still needed him.

"Because I'm not going to let you walk around campus at this part of the morning when it's so quiet and there's not many people around." He said. That caring part of him was starting to show despite that grumpy tone of his. "It's not safe and you know it so put that big ego of yours aside and get in the fucking car." Pierre said. I laughed at how capable he was at expressing his feelings through his anger. It was truly a talent of his.

Knowing very well that he was right in what he was saying, I rolled my eyes as I walked towards his car and jumped into the passengers seat. He had this thing about him that could make me do whatever he wanted me to do. It was like I was under some sort of spell of his. No matter how angry I was at him, he would always get his way in the end. That's how big of an hold he had on my life.

As Pierre started the engine of the car, I took the opportunity of asking my question again. "Why didn't you come home last night?" I asked but once again, there was silence. "If you didn't want to be around me, you should have said something. I would have went back to the dorms." I said and fiddled with my fingers.

"No it wasn't that. I just couldn't be there." Pierre said, instantly. "I couldn't stand to see you with him." Pierre said, referring to Carlos. His voice was so soft, it was almost inaudible. I took a moment to process what he had said. The fact that he admitted that he didn't like seeing me with Carlos was a huge surprise to me. I was expecting him to say that.

"Beck? How did that happen?" I asked curiously.

"After I left the party, I went to the bar. Beck and his friends were there. Fuck! I got so drunk, I couldn't even walk. Beck came up to me and offered to help. I refused obviously but then I realised that I actually couldn't make it and he didn't want to take no for an answer so I let him help." Pierre explained.

Talking to him was so easy. Our conversations flowed effortlessly. It was one of my favourite things about us. When we wasn't fighting and screaming at each other, he was my favourite person to talk too. "I never thought that I would see the day when you and Beck would spend the night together." I chuckled.

"Me neither but you know that he only helped me because of you." Pierre said causing me to respond with a nod.

At that moment, we had arrived at the girls hostel. I unhooked my seatbelt and then turned to face him. "Thank you." I said with a warm smile.

"Anytime." Pierre said. I opened the door and jumped out of his car. "Hey, you know, just because you and I both fucked up our relationship, it doesn't mean that I don't want you to come by the house anymore. I don't know what's going on between you and Carlos and I definitely know that I am not going to like seeing the two of you together but that shouldn't stop you from spending the weekend by the house just like you always do." Pierre said. I acknowledged how extremely difficult that must have been for him to say that and I appreciated that. As much as he made me vulnerable around him, it was obvious that I made him vulnerable around me too.

"I appreciate you saying that. Thank you." I said with a warm smile. "See you around." I said. Pierre nodded and showed me a peace sign with a smile on his face. I closed the car door and watched as he drove away.


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