Chapter Twelve.

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Chapter 12: Spin The Bottle.

It was the night of Max's bonfire. And for once, I didn't need Aria's help with picking out a outfit for the night. I already knew what I was going to wear, I had been thinking about it since I got invited yesterday. Denim shorts, black crop tee with my caramel baseball shirt. My black converse to go with it and I decided to curl my hair. Oh, and some jewellery to go with it. It's very important to accessorise. It was a bonfire so why not?

I put on some light makeup but nothing too hectic

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I put on some light makeup but nothing too hectic. Bonfire's are usually chill but seen that it was the boys who were hosting, it was definitely going to be an epic party so I didn't want to dress too down for the occasion. My phone buzzed and it was a text from Pierre saying that he was downstairs waiting. I replied to him immediately saying that I was coming. He offered to give me a ride since Aria never came home. She practically stayed with Lando at their fraternity house the entire day.

I took one last glance into the mirror before grabbing the room keys and heading towards the door. I turned off the light and then walked outside and locked the door. I rushed down the hallway and to the elevator. I texted my mother whilst I waited the elevator. Texting with my mum was something I did everyday. Because of the different shifts she worked, it was hard to call her everyday so we decided to call each other at least 3 times a week and to text each other frequently.

Once I was downstairs, I looked around for Pierre's Range Rover. He said it was a charcoal gray colour. I had to look around for half a second before I spotted him parked in front of a white Sedan. I opened the passenger side door of his car and looked inside. "Hey." I said as I stood at the door.

"Hey." He smiled as I jumped into his car. "You look nice." He said as I put on my seatbelt.

"Thanks. I was told that Max throws the most legendary parties, so I decided why not dress up a little." I smiled.

"Trust me, he does." He said.

Pierre started the car and then took off. He was dressed in a dark gold pants with a white t-shirt and a beige button down shirt that he had opened. His shoes were white, as white as you could get. I noticed that he loved to accessorise as well. He always wore the same silver cross chain and black ring on his finger all the time. Today, he had a few more rings on. He loved to wear watches. He wears different watches with different outfits which led me to believe that he had a lot of watches. And today, he also had a silver bracelet on.

The drive to the Bonfire site was short. I guess, we didn't need to drive there. We could have just walked. Pierre pulled up and parked next to what I recognized to be Lando's car. We jumped out of the car, and walked towards the bonfire. The party had started about 10 minutes ago and it was already lit. The fire was massive. There was music blasting from all different sides. Alcohol everywhere once again. People were already dancing around the fire with red plastic cups in their hand.

"I'm going to find Max. Come with?" Pierre asked. He had to practically scream it out because the music was so loud.

"Yeah. I don't really know anyone here." I said. I hated the fact that I didn't know much people because that meant I had to follow Pierre around and I didn't like that. It wasn't his job to babysit me. It shouldn't be. He needed his space too. If only I knew where Aria was.

"Do you want a drink first?" He asked and I nodded in agreement. It was pointless responding with words, the music was so loud that I barely even heard him. He took my hand into his and led the way to the tables. This was the second time that he had held my hand and if I'm being honest, it didn't bother me. I liked it when he did small gestures like that. It felt good. "Beer or vodka?" He asked me as soon as we got to the table.

I hated the taste of Beer. "Vodka, please." I smiled. He poured me a shot of Vodka and passed it to me. As soon as I was holding the cup, he pulled me closer to him and whispered into my ear, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you if you get wasted tonight."

His words caused me to gulp. I wanted to ask him if he meant it the way I thought he meant but I decided to back down when he moved away from me. He reached down into the cooler and grabbed a beer. As we were about to leave the tables, Max appeared out of nowhere. Instead of us finding him, he found us.

"Hey guys, we were wondering where you guys were." Said Max. 'We.' Straight away, I wondered who was the 'we' he was talking about. "Oh good, you guys have drinks. Come on." He said.

Surprisingly both Pierre and I didn't say anything, we just followed Max. We walked through the park and it seemed like we were going in circles even though we weren't. Finally after a few minutes, we had found their friends. Aria immediately ran up to me and hugged me. She was already drunk. "Come, come! We're playing Spin The Bottle." She said and pulled me towards the group of people. "You too, Pierre." She said.

"I'm too sober to play this game." I protested and Aria just ignored me.

"It will be fun." She said. Pierre and I did our rounds of greeting everyone before sitting down to play. We knew that if we didn't play, we wouldn't hear the end of it.

Max spun the bottle and it landed on Charles and Alexis. The two of them were hooking up so they went all in for the kiss. Everyone whistled and cheered them on. Charles spun the bottle next and it landed on Daniel and Max. Everyone started to laugh. They both stood up and pretended like they were actually going to kiss before moving aside and kissing each other on the cheek. It was so cute. Daniel was next to spin. The bottle stopped at George and Camila. They were soulmates so this game was nothing but just another opportunity for them to kiss each other. George spun the bottle and it landed on Lando and Aria. Finally, I thought to myself. It was about time. As routine, everyone whistled and cheered them on. Lando spun the bottle and it stopped by me. I felt my heart skip a beat. I was not ready for this moment. I looked at where the other end of the bottle was facing and was surprised. It was not who I wanted it to be.

He stood up before I could stand up. My body felt frozen. It was like I couldn't move. I wanted to but I just couldn't move. Aria nudged me and that's when I got this sudden rushing feeling. I stood up as fast as I could cause I didn't want to keep him waiting. He walked up to me and I smiled at him.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want too." Said Carlos. The look on his face showed that he was keen to walk away if I wanted too.

"No, it's okay. It's just a game." I muttered. Carlos nodded. It was just a game. It wasn't going to mean anything.

And before I knew it, Carlos' lips were pressed against mine. The kiss was soft and gentle. I could feel his hands resting onto my lower back as I opened my mouth just a little bit allowing him to slip his tongue inside. Carlos did the same almost instantly so I took advantage by sliding my tongue into his mouth. The kiss was glorious, so glorious that everything went quiet. I got so lost into the kiss that the world around me had stopped. All I could think of in that moment was that he was a good kisser. A very good kisser.


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