Chapter Thirty-Three.

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Chapter 33: Let The Games Begin.

Walking down the stairs with Aria and Lando, Aria took my hand and said, "I'm really glad you chose to stay

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Walking down the stairs with Aria and Lando, Aria took my hand and said, "I'm really glad you chose to stay." I turned my head to face her and she gave me a warm smile.

Earlier today, Pierre had given me a decision to make. He told me that if I walked away from our conversation in the backyard that he was done with me. After a few minutes of consideration, I decided that it was best to walk away from him. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Pierre, however I couldn't help but think that our relationship was the definition of the word toxic. And that was not what I needed in my life. The moment I walked out of the backyard, Pierre had disappeared and no one had seen him since. Charles, Carlos, Max and George all went looking for him in his usual hangout spots but he was nowhere to be found. The boys were pretty concerned about him until Charles got a text from him saying that he was okay and that he would be back in time for the boys usual Sunday frat party.

It was now time for the party and I was probably the most excited to get drunk than I had ever been. Smiling back at Aria, I said, "me too. I'm not going to let some boy ruin the wonderful friendships that I have made in this house."

We reached the bottom of the staircase when Lando said, "Good because we do not want to lose you." He smiled at me. "And you look very beautiful by the way." Lando said, compliment my silky light pink dress.

I blushed at his comment. "Thank you." I said and reached for a hug. Lando gladly hugged me back.

We made our way to our usual spot in the living room where the guys were sitting. Lando went and poured Aria and I a drink as I sat down in between Max and Charles. "You look nice." Said Max.

"Very nice." Said Charles.

Just then Lando walked over and handed me a drink. "Thanks boys." I said in response to all three of the boys.

"I probably shouldn't say this but if Pierre doesn't come and make things right with you after seeing you in this dress then I'm gonna kick his ass." Charles chuckled. His dimples showing as he laughed.

All of the boys in this house were such genuine and naturally caring guys. I honestly wondered how Pierre fitted in their friend group.

"Call me when you do it Charlie, I'll help." Max said and patted Charles on the leg.

"Sadly, it's not about appearances. It's about moral compass and unfortunately he doesn't seem to have any." I said and looked down at my cup.

"Do you remember the conversation we had in his room last week?" Max asked and I nodded. "I meant every word of it." Max said.

"He can be a real jerk sometimes but all of this pain is coming from his relationship with Nicole. She broke that part of him that was naïve, vulnerable and sensitive. That was when he decided to put those walls up and I haven't seen anyone try to help him take them down. That was until he met you. A softer side of him started to come out and once he realised that he was falling in love with you, he got defensive. I'm not defending his behaviour and his actions but Skyler, you just need to be patient with him." Charles explained. I had figured out most of those things about Pierre already and I have tried to be patient with him and I've overlooked certain qualities of his. But after hearing Charles admit those things about his best friend, I decided to give Pierre another chance. Either way my feelings for him weren't going to just disappear over one fight.

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