Chapter Eight.

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Chapter 8: Blank Space.

Holding his red plastic cup in his hand, he closed the door behind him and walked inside. "Not what I was expecting to see." He chuckled as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Would you rather have some random teenagers hooking up on your bed instead, possibly about to fuck each other?" I asked. I smiled at Pierre and he couldn't hold back his laugh.

Pierre shook his head signalling no almost immediately. "Definitely not." He chuckled. Silence started to fill the room. There was a brief pause between the two of us. "So, what are you doing in my room?" He smirked.

"Firstly, I did not know this was your room when I walked in and secondly, I needed to make a call." I explained myself. I walked over to his bed and sat down next to him. I tried to think of ways to ask him how'd he had known my last name. It was a question that had been on my mind the entire night. I just didn't know how to ask him or if I should ask him. I needed to find the right words, to find the right time to ask him. Finally conjuring up the courage, I asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Pierre said and nodded.

"How do you know my last name?" I asked. I turned to face Pierre. I tried to read his expression but he remained emotionless.

He glared at me attentively as he drank from his cup. "George. His father is a part owner of our campus. He knows who you are." Pierre explained.

So many questions flooded my mind. If George's father is a part owner of our campus, then George's father and Beck's father definitely know each other. Then George and Beck are probably friends too, which is weird because Beck has never mentioned George before. And we literally go to the same campus, if they were friends, I would have known. And if George knows who I am, does that mean that all of their friends who I was hanging out with tonight know who I am too? Things just got from bad to worse in a split second. "So that means all of your friends know as well?" I asked.

"No. Just me and George." Pierre said as he shook his head. "I asked George to get me information on you last night. I wanted to know everything about you. When George received the information, at first we were both shocked but then we realised that there was probably a reason why you hid your last name. I don't know the reason why and you don't have to tell me but," Pierre said and paused for a moment, "your secrets safe with us." He added. He smiled slightly and waited for a response from me.

"Literally everyone in this campus knows me as Skyler Marie. Nobody even bothered to ask for my last name and yet you were so determined to find out. Why?" I asked, searching for an answer.

"Call it curiosity." He said. Pierre bowed his head and that made me suspicious. How was curiosity a proper response?

"There has to be more than that." I said. Staring at him, I tried to read his expression. What was Pierre so curious about? What did he want to know about me? And why did he want to know about me?

"Okay, fine. I wanted to know why a girl like you would date someone like Beck. The guys a douche bag." Pierre said. He finally turned to face me.

"I guess I see a different side to him than everyone else." That was all I could say at that moment. Usually when people used to approach me about Beck, I would always have a solid answer. An appropriate one but not this time. After watching the video of him sticking his tongue down that girls throat, it was like I did not know Beck anymore. Hence the reason why I couldn't answer Pierre's question properly.

Staring at me, he says "You deserve better than him." I don't know why but hearing those words sounded right. I wanted so badly to tell Pierre about the video I had seen but at the same time, he was still just a stranger to me. I barely even knew him. It would have been weird to talk to him about my relationship. I thought to myself.

That was when I had decided that it was time to change the topic. Looking over at his book shelves, I searched for a book that I had read. I couldn't help but notice The Maze Runner book series. "You read The Maze Runner?" I asked, completely surprised. I was totally unaware that that was even a book series. I turned and looked at Pierre with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah. I enjoy reading." He replied.

"You read that movie." I chuckled, causing Pierre to laugh as well.

"Yeah." He laughed. Staring into his eyes, I was lost for words. He has really beautiful eyes. The type of eyes that could captivate you with just one look. One deep gaze could send you into an oblivion. We sat there just gazing hopelessly. Neither of us knowing what to say next.

Then suddenly the door to his room burst open, breaking the connection and causing both of us to flinch. Charles had walked in. His shirt was all raffled up. His button was open and his hair was all messed up. "Oh, hello. Sorry to interrupt. I just need to borrow something." He said. He walked straight towards Pierre's drawer. He opened the top drawer like he knew exactly where everything was. He stood in front of us in an attempt to hide what he had came for. He pulled it out of the draw and slipped it right into his Jean pocket.

Pierre and I shared a quick look before bursting out in laughter. Charles simply just laughed with us. His dimples showing. I never noticed Charles's dimples before. They were cute. "Have fun, buddy." Pierre said and playfully hit Charles arm.

Then my phone buzzed and it was Beck telling me that the car had arrived. He must have been tracking it. "Oh gosh. I have to go." I said.

"Okay, I'll walk you out." Said Pierre.

We both got off the bed at the same time. "Wait." I said as Pierre started walking towards the door. I pulled his cup out of his hand and drank his drink as fast as I could. I then left the empty cup on his drawer. "Now, let's go." I said and walked out of his room.

Charles had gone back to his room already whilst Pierre followed me closely. Halfway down the stairs, we were stopped by Aria and Lando who were walking up the stairs. They were probably going to fuck. "Give me this." I said and stole Aria's cup from her hand. I drank her drink like it was water.

"Okay, easy." Pierre said and placed his hands on my shoulders. I was about to grab Lando's drink when Pierre pulled my hands and pinned them behind my back. "No more alcohol for you." He said.

"Yeah babe, you're already wasted and I thought you already left." Aria said. She looked a bit confused.

"Nope. I'm going to see him now." I chuckled.

"Babe, I think you should go back to the dorms or just stay here for the night." Aria said. A look of concern on her face.

"No, Beck's waiting for me. I have to go." I said. Suddenly the room started spinning. I leaned forward for a second and nearly fell down the stairs. Pierre and Lando were quick to catch me.

"Okay, that's it. You are not leaving." I heard Aria say. I felt something being pulled out of my hand as my knees began to give way.

"I got you." Said Pierre who was literally my support system at this point. Pierre stepped in front of me as Lando and Aria held me up. In one swift move, he lifted me off my two feet as if I was as light as a feather. And that was the last thing I remembered.


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