Chapter Eighteen.

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Chapter 18: The Alpha-Male.

Pierre laughed at the sight of me. He knew how bad that was for me but he was proud of his actions. He was proud of the way he forced me to have a conversation with his best friend as he fingered me. He was proud of how he made me hold back every moan that wanted to escape my mouth. He was proud of how he made me squirm as I battled to stay on my two feet. Being fingered by someone was meant to be all pleasure but Pierre had the power to make it a pleasurable but tortured experience. My moral compass was starting to make me question my decision to play Pierre's game, however my body was craving him more than anything in this world. I needed to feel his touch again. I wanted more. I wanted more of him and I couldn't wait for my next encounter with him.

Pierre looked at me as if he could read my mind. Leaning towards me he whispered, "follow me." That smug on his face caused goosebumps to form on my hands.

I followed Pierre as he walked towards the house. Once we were inside, we were approached by Charles. "Ahh, I was just bringing your drink to you." He said and handed me the cup but before I could take it, Pierre had whispered something into Charles ear that made him take the cup back. "I'll save this for later." Charles said and walked away.

What the fuck was that? What exactly did Pierre say to Charles? And why did Charles offer me the drink and then take it back? "What was that about?" I asked Pierre.

"Don't worry about it." He said. He continued walking inside the house but I refused to follow him, not until he told me the truth. Pierre noticed that I had stopped and walked back towards me. "I just told him you needed to use the ladies. That's all." Pierre said.

I wasn't sure if he was telling me the truth but I didn't want to get into a fight with him in front of everyone. He started walking again so I followed him. Once we had arrived at the staircase, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up the stairs. Dragging me all the way to his room, he opened the door and waited for me to go inside. I walked inside his room and looked around the familiar surroundings. I heard the door close behind me and then I heard it lock.

Pierre grabbed my wrist again, swinging me around. Staring at his chest, he placed his finger underneath my chin and tilted my head up to meet those gorgeous green eyes. It wasn't long before he gently pressed his lips against mine. My one hand found its way to the back of his neck instantly whilst the other rested on his chest. I could feel his heart beating fast. His hand gripping onto my waist, pulling me closer to him. Our bodies were now completely pressed against each other and there were no such thing as personal space anymore. His other hand was on my neck once again, choking me lightly. His hand from my waist started to move up my back. With every movement he made causing the hair on my hands to stand up. He pulled away from our kiss but remained inches away from me. I could feel his warm breath over my lips as I stared into his gaze.

All of a sudden his hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head back hard. I flinched at the contact made. The back of my head was now pressed down against my shoulder. Pierre started to look down at me. Our noses touching. He traced his fingers over my neck before squeezing it tightly. I winced in pain as he was cutting my oxygen flow. His eyes turned dark once again. "Don't you ever disobey me again!" He growled. I swallowed hard as he removed his hands from my neck and hair. He then unlocked his room door and walked out.

Panting hard, I sat down on his bed and tried to fight back the tears that were forming in my eyes. Was this really what I wanted? I didn't actually know what I was getting myself into with Pierre when I challenged him. Is this how it's going to be when I disobey him? He's going to pull my hair and choke me? As much as I was attracted to him, was it all worth it?

My thoughts were interrupted by Max who was standing by the doorframe. "Skyler, are you okay?" Asked the Dutchmen who was holding a red plastic cup in his hand.

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