Chapter Eleven.

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Chapter 11: Aftermath.


The bell rang indicating that it was the end of the lecture. I grabbed my bag and my books and headed towards the door. I had no more classes for the day so it was the perfect time to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. It had been three days since I broke up with Beck and I still couldn't stop thinking about my last moments with him. Beck has always had anger issues but he has never ever been violent towards me. Not once in our whole three year relationship. Beck had tried to call me about a million times since then but I refused to answer any of his calls. He had sent me just as many texts. I knew that he felt bad for his actions. I knew that he wanted to apologise to me but I just couldn't bring myself to a point of talking to him. My heart was aching. I couldn't believe that he would do something like that to me. I thought he loved me. I thought we would last forever. But clearly I was wrong.

My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my bag and looked at it. It was yet another text from Beck. I opened the message and it read "I am really sorry, Skyler." I thought about responding. I thought maybe it would be the end of this if I replied back to him just this once and told him that I forgive him. I would be lying to myself but at least he would stop spamming me. I started typing the words "I forgive-" and then stopped before I could complete my sentence. I quickly cleared the text box and locked my phone. Did he really deserve a reply from me? I asked myself.

"Staring at a blank phone screen, that's a new one." Said Pierre, in the snarkiest way possible. I smiled at the sound of his voice. I looked up at him as he continued to walk with me. "Headed to the cafeteria?" He asked.

"Yeah. Coming with?" I asked him.

He thought of it for a second before responding. "Yeah." He smiled.

The walk to the cafeteria was quiet and short. When we got to the counter, I ordered a Mac and Cheese portion with a can of Coke and Pierre had ordered a Chicken Salad with a bottle of still water. We handed our meal cards to the cashier and once she was done with it, she gave it back to us. As soon as our food was ready, we decided to sit outside, in a shaded area of course. It was Pierre's idea.

"Can't we just sit in the sun?" I asked. I loved being in the sun. I enjoyed feeling the warmth against my skin.

"My skin is very sensitive to the sun." Said Pierre. Was he serious or was he joking? I could never tell with Pierre. He was always so mysterious and broody. It was kind of sexy.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm just messing with you." He chuckled. Before I could even say anything else, Pierre said, "Come on, let's sit over there." He pointed over at a table that was exposed in the sunlight. I smiled and followed him. We sat down at the table and opened our lunch containers. Soon after, we began eating. "So, what was on your mind earlier? You looked preoccupied." Pierre said. I hadn't known that he was observing me when we bumped into each other.

"Beck happened." I said and sighed. I dropped my fork onto the container and turned to look at him. "He's been calling and texting me all week. He feels terrible for what he did." I explained.

"Good. He should feel bad." Pierre said. It only occurred to me now that Lando must have told the boys. When I ran into the elevator that day, the first thing I did was call Aria. She was with Lando at that time so when she came to fetch me from Beck's apartment, Lando heard everything that happened. He must have went back and told the boys. "You didn't deserve that." Pierre added.

"Yeah." I muttered. It was a bit uncomfortable speaking to Pierre about Beck. I knew he wasn't a fan of Beck's. He himself told me that I deserved better.

"How are you holding up?" He asked, sounding a little concerned.

Sipping my coke, I looked at the time on my watch. It was just after 1pm. "I'm okay. It hurts a lot, like it physically hurts but I'll be fine. Time heals everything." I said. I smiled, slightly.

"If you ever need to talk or to just escape from everything, give me a call." Pierre said and handed me his phone. It was opened to the keypad, I entered my number into his phone before giving it back to him. He saved my number and then dialled it so that I could save his number too.

"I will." I smiled at him. In the sunlight, his eyes sparkled. They were the perfect shade of green, similar to grass green. "Your girlfriend wouldn't get mad at me, would she?" I asked. The truth was, I didn't know if Pierre had a girlfriend or not but I was curious to know. I wanted to know who'd he spend all of his free time with, who he calls at night before he goes to bed and who he kisses and gets intimate with.

He laughed for a second. It was a nervous but cute laugh. "I don't have a girlfriend." He chuckled. Suddenly I was relived. How was it possible that he didn't have a girlfriend?

"What?" I asked, quickly. Too quick I might had. I thought for a second if I should ask him or if I should just keep my question to myself. "How is a guy like you single?" I asked, shyly.

"A guy like me?" He asked. He had a grin on his face and I could tell that he knew I meant it as a compliment.

Before I could respond to him, we were joined by Charles and Carlos. "Hey guys." Charles said and sat down next to Pierre. Carlos took a seat next to me. Pierre and I greeted the boys as they sat down. They both had lunch containers in their hands. Carlos had a pie and chips whilst Charles had a Mac and Cheese portion. They each had a bottle of still water. What was with them and water?

"Do you guys drink anything else besides water and beer?" I asked, curiously. My question was random but I didn't care.

Charles immediately laughed whilst Pierre and Carlos looked at me shocked. "Yeah. Just not in front of you." Said Pierre, which made me wonder what he meant by that.

"Besides water is good for you. It's refreshing and keeps you hydrated." Carlos pointed out. "Do you not drink water?" Asked Carlos, he was now looking directly at me. Hearing Carlos say those things made me feel really stupid. I was trying to make conversation but in the dumbest way possible.

"I do. It's good for-" I started saying but got interrupted when all three of their phones beeped at the same time. They all received the same message, I assumed. The boys looked at their phones and started laughing. I furrowed my eyebrows at them. I wanted to know so badly what the message said but I didn't want to seem inquisitive. If they wanted to tell me, they would.

"What are you doing tomorrow night, Skyler?" Asked Carlos, bringing me back down to earth.

I thought for a second. What did my Friday schedule look like? Now that I was single again, I actually a clear schedule. "Uhm, Netflix I guess." I responded.

"So nothing basically." Charles chuckled and I nodded in agreement. "Come hang out with us. Max is having a bonfire." Said Charles.

A bonfire? That seemed like a good idea but I really just wanted to stay at home. "Guys, I don't-" I started to say but was rudely interrupted by Pierre.

"She'll be there!" He smirked.


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