Chapter Thirty.

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Chapter 30: Winners, Losers and Intruders.

Waking up the next morning in the arms of Pierre was rather comforting. The memories of our steamy shower session played over and over in my mind. I smiled at the flashback. I tried my best to wiggle my body as carefully as possible under his heavy arm. As much as I would have loved to stay in that position, it was starting to get more and more uncomfortable by the second, especially because I was the kind of person who couldn't really sit still.

"You're miserable, aren't you?" Asked Pierre in a very sleepy yet audible voice.

"Not entirely." I lied.

Pierre laughed underneath his breath before responding, "yeah, right." He said and removed his hand from me.

I immediately rolled over to face him. His eyes were still closed but he was smiling. He looked so pure in that moment. So innocent. I wanted to run my fingers along his face and tell him how beautiful he was but I decided to wait until he was fully awake. Pierre was not only radiant but also mysterious and majestic like the moon. He was like a closed book that was locked and could only be opened with a key. I was determined to get that key and to unravel those chapters that were safely guarded by the book.

Suddenly those mesmerizing green eyes slowly fluttered open. "Good morning." I said and smiled at him.

"Good morning." He said, softly. "Sleep well?" He asked.

"Like a baby."

"Then I guess you need to stay over more often then." Pierre chuckled.

Pierre asking me to stay over again felt like a dream come true. There was nothing that I wanted more. I enjoyed being with him. I enjoyed his company so much that I didn't even have to think of my response. I simply just said, "I'd really like that."

There was a short moment of silence before he leaned forward and pecked my lips. "Stay with me for the rest of the weekend. I want to get to know you better." He proposed.

The words coming out of his mouth was like music to my ears. The little butterflies that were in the pit of my stomach started to flutter again. I had been waiting for the opportunity to get to know Pierre on a more deeper level but I wasn't going to let it happen so easily. I loved teasing Pierre. It was very satisfying. "Who me or my body?" I smirked at him.

That oh so familiar evil grin appeared on his face. "Both." He responded. A good couple of seconds went by as we simply laid there gazing at each other hopelessly. It was so easy getting lost in his eyes. They were definitely my favourite thing about him. "So I take that as a yes?" Pierre asked and I nodded.

We spent the rest of the morning cleaning and chatting with the guys whilst Lewis and George had prepared for brunch for everyone. After having breakfast and taking a shower, Pierre took me back to my dorm room to change into clean clothes and pack a bag for the rest of the weekend since I'd agreed to spend it with Pierre. Once we were done at the dorms, Pierre and I went on a supply run. The boys agreed that since it was the day of the El Clasico, it was only fitting that they throw a party afterwards. I, on the other hand disagreed with their idea because I knew for a fact that if Real Madrid lost the Clasico, I would not be in the mood for a party. However I had no say in their decision. Carlos being the Real Madrid fan in the house and Max being the Barcelona fan both held the power in that decision. And because they are both party boys, everyone already knew what the answer was going to be. The boys decided to up the stakes by declaring that the losing team's supporter would have to do something hilarious at the party in front of everyone.

Standing in the snacks aisle, looking at the various brands of chips, Pierre walked up to me with a can of whipped cream and a container of strawberries in his hand. Even though at the back of my mind I knew exactly why he brought them I asked, "Why would we need that at the party?"

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