Chapter Thirteen.

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Chapter 13: Midnight Swim.

I kissed Carlos. In front of everyone. In front of Pierre. Carlos moved back to his seat so I decided to sit down as well. I don't know why I felt the sudden need to look over at Pierre who had a blank expression on his face. Even though we were just friends, I suddenly cared what he thought about the kiss with Carlos. Would he have gotten angry? Or would he have not cared at all? I was curious.

It wasn't long before everyone got bored of the game and went their separate ways. Unsure of what to do, I stood there waiting to see who would approach me. Whether it was going to be Carlos or Pierre. A few seconds later, I had gotten my answer when Pierre walked over to me. "Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"You wanna get out of here?" Pierre asked.

That was the best thing he had ever said. "Yeah." I said. We both drank our drinks and left our cups on the table that was nearby.

I waited by Pierre's car as he went to find Max. After a few minutes, Pierre had come back with a bottle of vodka, cooldrink and cups in his hand. What was this guy up to? I asked myself. What was I in store for?

I jumped into the passengers seat and hooked on my seatbelt. Looking at Pierre I asked, "So where are we going?" I smiled at him.

"You'll see." He smiled. Pierre turned on the radio before starting the car. "You can connect if you want." He said.

I considered it for a second but decided not too. I wasn't ready to expose my depressing playlist. I was such an hopeless romantic and I hated people knowing that. "No, its okay. I'll just look through yours." I said.

Pierre unlocked his phone and gave it to me. Strolling through his playlist, I stopped when I saw the song We Belong Together by Mariah Carey. I gasped immediately. What was a song like that doing in Pierre's playlist? "Wait, wait, wait. What?" I asked and clicked play.

As soon as the song started to play, Pierre immediately regretted giving me his phone. "Oh no!" He said. He was a little embarrassed.

"Nice song." I laughed.

"It's a classic okay." Pierre said, getting all defensive.

"I didn't say it's not." I chuckled.

"And anyway, who doesn't love Mariah Carey?" Said Pierre. He was right. It was really hard not to like Mariah Carey and this song was a classic but still, the fact that it was on his playlist was hilarious.

"True but that doesn't mean that she has to be on your playlist." I said and laughed. I was really enjoying mocking him.

"Shut up." He laughed.

To piss him off even more, I decided to sing when it came to the chorus. "When you left, I lost a part of me. It's still so hard to believe. Come back, baby please. 'Cause we belong together. Who else am I going to lean on when times get rough? Who's gonna talk to me 'til the sun comes up? Who's gonna take your place? There ain't nobody better. Oh baby, baby we belong together." I sang while Pierre laughed. Singing was not a talent of mine. I couldn't hold a tune like Mariah could. I was off key and very high pitched but I didn't care because that was the most fun I had in days.

"Are you done, Mariah or do you plan on finishing the song?" Pierre mocked me. 

"Oh, shut it."

A few minutes later, we had arrived at our destination. Pierre had brought me to Pearl's Peak. We have a lake that runs through campus. It's called Whitworth Pearl Lake. The lake is used for water sports activities that students pay for. But right at the end of the lake is the most magical part, Pearl's Peak. It's very rocky and has a small waterfall. During the day, the water almost looks enchanting.

"This is one of my favourite places on Campus." I said to Pierre.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Pierre said. He opened his door and then jumped out so I did the same.

I grabbed the bottle of Vodka while Pierre grabbed the cooldrink and the cups. He locked the car as we walked towards the lake. Taking of my shoes and socks, I sat down on a rock with my legs dangling in the water. The water was cold but refreshing. Pierre did the same and poured us a drink. We had only just got there and it was already a hundred times better than being at the bonfire.

I leaned back and rested my head on the big rock that was behind me. The sky was so luminous. It was filled with stars, big ones and little ones too. "Incredible, isn't it?" I asked Pierre who was leaning down next to me.

"What?" He asked.

"The sky. The galaxy. It's so vast and endless. It looks like a world of it's own. An adventure waiting to be unravelled." I said, fascinated by the sky.

"So if Nasa would give you the opportunity to explore the galaxy, would you do it?" Pierre asked. I could feel his eyes on me so I turned to face him. Our faces were mere inches from each other.

"I don't know. I guess it depends where I am at that point in my life." I replied. Once again, we found ourselves gazing at each other. It was easy to get lost into Pierre's eye, they were gorgeous. Then suddenly, our hands touched causing a spark to run through my body. It felt more like an electric shock.

Why did I feel this way every time our hands touched? What was it about Pierre that made me feel this way? I felt a warmth sensation take over my body. Staring at Pierre, I noticed that he was majestic just like the moon. I wanted to stay there forever. In that position, right there with him. It felt right. So right.

Suddenly Pierre got up. "Come on." He said, offering a hand out to me.

"Where?" I asked as I sat up.

"Let's go swim." He said. My eyes widened. We hadn't brought any swimming costumes and the water was freezing. He was insane for suggesting that.

"You're joking, right?" I asked but he wasn't. He took off his t-shirt exposing his 6 packs abs and well toned physic. He then unbuckled his belt and slipped out of his jeans, leaving him in his boxes. Even his thigh's was perfectly toned. I couldn't help but stare at his body. He was in perfect shape. I hadn't noticed that with his clothes on. I swallowed hard and pursed my lips together. He looked so good.

"The memories we make in uni are the memories we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. Don't ruin it by being a spoilsport." Pierre said and offered his hand out to me again.

How dare he call me a spoilsport? I took his hand and he pulled me up. "Do you mind-" I started but stopped when Pierre turned around. He knew that I was uncomfortable with him watching me undress. I removed my baseball shirt before taking off my cropped top and my shorts, leaving me in just my bra and panty. I've never been conscious over my body but for some reason, in that moment I felt shy. Thank God I chose a matching set today, I thought to myself.

With Pierre's back still facing me, I quickly walked towards the waterfall. The water was quite deep there so I decided to climb up a high rock. Standing on the rock, I looked at Pierre who was still facing the other way and dived into the water. Pierre turned around when he heard the splash. He looked amazed when he saw me already in the water.

"You coming in or what?" I smirked at him.

"Hold on." He said. I watched him climb up a rock. He stood there for a moment and winked at me. "Cannonball." He said as he cannonballed himself into the water, causing a big splash. As he came up in the water, I swam towards him. The water was freezing cold and I had Goosebumps all over my hands but at the same time, it felt so good.

"Thanks for coming in." I said, causing Pierre to smile. "Because now I can do this." I said and splashed a whole lot of water onto Pierre. I then jumped on top of him and dunk him into the water. Laughing as hard as I could, I sure did regret dunking him when he resurfaced. Pierre grabbed me and body slammed me into the water. When we both resurfaced, we had a good laugh about it.

All of a sudden, the water wasn't cold anymore. Our bodies had adjusted to the temperature. Being there in that moment with Pierre, I regretted playing spin the bottle. But most of all, I regretted kissing Carlos.


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