Chapter Nine.

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Chapter 9: Recollection.

I stretched out my arms as wide as I could and slowly began to open my eyes. I sat up almost immediately after realising that I wasn't in Beck's penthouse, let alone his bed, nor was I back at my dorm room. Instead, I was in Pierre's bedroom. Sleeping in his bed. I looked down at what I was wearing. It was oversized black t-shirt. Probably Pierre's. I let out a sign of relief when I realised that my shorts was on me. I placed my hand onto my forehead and began to rub it gently as I was suffering from the worst headache I've had in my life.

Suddenly Pierre's bedroom door creaked open and Pierre walked in with not one but two cups in his hand. "Good morning, sunshine. How we feeling this morning?" He asked.

"Terrible. I have a headache from hell." I replied. I sat up straight and crossed my legs whilst I rested my head against his headboard.

"Here. Have this. Black coffee always helps." He says as he hands me the cup of coffee. He then sat down on the edge of his bed as I took the coffee from him. I drank half the cup of coffee almost immediately. The coffee was strong and it was exactly what I needed.

I searched through my brain carefully to try and unravel my last memory from the morning. The only thing I can remember was arguing with Aria about going to see Beck. She accused me of being too drunk and that was the last thing I remembered. The rest of the morning was such a blur. Such a mystery. "Wait, did we?" I asked and my voice trailed off. I didn't want to admit what I was thinking.

"Yes, we totally had sex last night." Pierre joked. I swear, he never takes anything seriously. Although hearing him say the word sex in his French accent was oddly weird. I looked at him with a straight face as he laughed. "No." He admitted. I looked down at the cup, embarrassed because I couldn't remember what happened. "I would never take advantage of you like that. In fact, I slept on the chair." Pierre added, catching me completely off-guard.  I was not expecting him to say that.

I looked over at the chair and it looked super uncomfortable. And that made me feel bad because he had to sacrifice his bed for me. "Thank you." I said and smiled at him. I was very grateful for what he had done. "So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad was I?" I asked, shyly. I was scared for what was to come next.

"Oh, you were a 12." He laughed.

My jaw dropped at his response. I pulled the pillow out from behind me and playfully hit him with it. I was careful not to hit his cup. "You are so mean." I chuckled.

"Nah, I'm joking. You were dealing with a lot. Aria told Lando and I what happened." Pierre said.

"What?" I practically muttered underneath my breath.

"But don't be mad at her cause we forced her to tell us. She called Beck to tell him that you were asleep and then she had a go at him. We knew something was wrong so we asked her." Pierre explained.

Aria had a go at Beck. Classic Aria, always defending me. Without realising, I began to cry. "From the time I started dating Beck, everyone kept telling me that I could do better, that I deserved better but I never listened to them." I said as the tears started streaming down my face uncontrollably. It was so bad that Pierre started to hold my hand. "How could I be so stupid to think that he wouldn't hurt me?" I asked.

"Because you chose love and you were hoping that a part of him will love you just as much as you love him." Aria said as she stood by the door. I was crying so much that I didn't even realise that the door had opened.

Hearing Aria say that shattered my heart into a million pieces. I started to cry harder and heavier than before. Pierre took the cup from my hand and woke up from the bed as soon as Aria sat down. She immediately grappled me into a hug. Pierre decided to give us some space by leaving. I sat there in Aria's arms, crying my heart out.

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