Chapter One.

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Chapter 1: Prologue.

The referee blew the final whistle of the match, making the ground erupt in cheers as the Manchester University Spartans were now declared State Champions. They did it. They won the championship.

The atmosphere in the ground was electrifying. All the Spartan fans in the ground had gone bizarre after the action-packed match they had just seen live. Not short of the drama and controversy, there was near-misses, penalty shouts and undeserved abuse hurled at the referee as per usual. The match was nothing short of what a state final should be like. It delivered. It delivered greatly.

Being the dedicated fan that I was, I stood there in my Spartan jersey, wearing the biggest smile I could put on as I watched as the Spartans celebrated their biggest victory in 4 years, and feeling nothing more than sympathy for the University of London team as they applauded their travelling supporters. But the little flutters in my heart could not help but be happy and proud of a certain Spartan who had my heart.

Beck Campbell.

The team captain. The star athlete. The Campbells most prized possession. The only son of one of the biggest business tycoons in the United Kingdom, Anthony Campbell. Beck and I have been dating for the past 3 years. Going to the same high school, we crossed paths in the hallway, fell in love and started dating when I was in 10th grade. Beck was in 11th grade, so we did not have much time together in school. After 16 months of dating, he graduated high school and started attending the University of Manchester. It was difficult not having Beck around in school, so difficult that it made me apply to the same college as him, hence the reason I am here.

Speaking of my handsome boyfriend, a huge smile formed onto my face as I spotted him walking down the tunnel. "CHAMPIONSSS!!" Yelled Beck as he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me off my feet.

I put my hands around his neck and held onto him extremely tight. "Babes. I'm so proud of you." I said as Beck and I continued hugging each other.

"This is unbelievable. Fuck. I don't even know what to say honestly." Beck said as he let go of me. The smile on his face and tears in his eyes made my heart melt. This was such a big moment for him. His first state championship. His first major trophy and I could not be prouder of him.

"Well, believe it. Congratulations baby. I am so proud of you. You deserve this so much and I couldn't be happier." I said to him as I held his face in my hands.

"I love you so much." Beck said.

"I love you too. Now shut up and kiss me." I chuckled.

And with that being said, Beck put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. He then leaned down and kissed me. The kiss was long and passionate. His tongue explored my mouth, whilst mine explored his. Our bodies started to get heated, so heated that I could feel something hard piercing into my stomach. I smiled into the kiss as I realized what it was whilst Beck remained emotionless.

Finally, the sound of doors banging and screams coming from the locker room caused us to part ways from our hot and steamy kiss. "Look at what you do to me." Said Beck as he looked at his bulge that was noticeably sticking out.

"Tell little Becky to behave himself. He will get plenty of action later tonight." I said and winked at my smirking boyfriend.

"Fuckkk." Beck said. He tilted his head backwards and looked at the ceiling as he tried to compose himself. He knew that he needed to go into the locker room to celebrate with his team but at the same time, he knew that he could not walk in there with his bulge showing. He shut his eyes for a moment as he let out deep breaths.

I took a step back and gave him some space. As much as I wanted to torture him, I knew that his team was waiting for him, and I had to let him go.

"Okay, I've got to go." Said Beck as he smiled at me.

"Go on babe. Enjoy your moment." I said to him and with that, he left.

I walked towards the end of the tunnel and took a peak outside at the fans in the ground. The atmosphere was still buzzing. The sound of the cheering and the roars from the crowd was so refreshing. There are no fans in the world that's more enthusiastic than football fans. We are the best fan base in the world, and nothing can top us.

As for why I am here in this college, it is quite simple. Beck Campbell. Technically, I'm an English major but that is not the career path I want to go into. I only chose that because it is the field that I'm most interested in. Truthfully speaking, I don't really know what I want to become. Unlike most kids, I do not have my future planned out. If I'm being honest, I'm still trying to find my way.

I smiled at the crowd of people and then turned around in pursuit of finding my best friend when suddenly I walked into something hard. It was so hard that it knocked me off my two feet. "Ai que doeu." I mumbled.

"Mamma Mia."


Dear readers, thank you so much for taking your time to read this book. I hope you enjoy it 😊

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