The worst part of fun

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At that, the boys paused, frozen in their spots. Remus places Harry in his chair again and Lily used the time to survey the kitchen.

"Look at this mess. wow. That's a lot of damage for 2 minutes."

She glanced at them from the corner of her eyes while she spoke.

Remus grunted and spluttered as a handful of flour hit him square in the face. He turned his betrayed expression onto Lily who began laughing with Harry. It took James and Sirius a bit more to realize what happened and when they did, a full-on war broke out. Lily grabbed Harry for cover, leaving Remus looking thoroughly betrayed, much like a kicked pup.

"Sorry Rem. Harry chose to protect me." She stuck her tongue out at him from behind Harry.

"No he didn't. You didn't let him choose"

"Too late now, poor yo... Ahh. James, you threw flour on your son."

"Nice try Lils." It's true. He snuck up behind her and rubbed it on her face so it did not get Harry. "Good one Moony"

It was Lily's turn to look betrayed. She turned her face to Remus, "You distracted me."

"You should see your face. C'mere prongslet."

Harry gladly stretched out his hands for Remus.

"Even my own kid is betraying me, sigh."

Sirius who had been dying silently appeared and rubbed some flour on Harry's cheek and he squealed happily.

"Okay, everyone is equal now. We should get back to baking"

"Don't try to escape it."

They started again. Sirius bumped into a cupboard trying to escape James' floury hands and a loud meow broke them apart. They watched as the orange cat lazily made its way out from the disturbed resting spot, looking at them rather murderously and leaving a trail of brown, paw shapes across the now white floor.

"Great, we woke Ginger. Poor thing is upset that his nap was disturbed"


"yeah sweetheart. Ginger."

"in'er, in'er are"

"No baby, Ginger can't eat the tart. But you can. Do you want tart?"

"Are, are, are"

"One tart coming right up in a bit."

They got back to making the tarts. Sirius re-measuring the ingredients and adding them to the mixer and Lily teaching him how to use it.

"I did that, it went everywhere. No way am I doing that again."

"That's because you didn't add any liquid to the powder."

"There still is no liquid in there"

"No but there is butter. That would stick to the flour so it can't go everywhere."

"I'll take your word for it then"

True to her word, the batter did stay in the bowl and gave Sirius quite the entertainment to watch it mix itself together.


Fifteen minutes later the tarts were in the oven. Well, one and a half tart due to the fact that Sirius insisted on stealing and eating the batter no matter how many times Remus dragged him away (under the pretense of stopping him but in reality he wanted Siri to share the batter with him) or Lily swatted his spoon away.

Lily's face was smeared with batter where James painted it on when she was distracted. Harry had gotten hold of Sirius' spoon and flung it on him with a thunk, giggling.

"Okay guys, clean up time. This kitchen has to be livable by the time the oven goes off."

Sirius picked up his wand only to be stopped by Lily.

"Since you started the mess, clean it up without magic." She stuck her tongue out  at him.

They groaned.

"The worst part of fun is having to clean up after."

"At least it'll finish fast since it's all of us."


The kitchen was restored to its original state in under fifteen minutes, just as the timer went off.


"Best freaking tart ever!"


"This is actually so good"

"I mean it tastes just like the ones at Hogwarts"

"ummy, mmm"

"You like it Prongslet?"

Harry nodded eagerly.

"I think that's a win. He's a picky eater."

"I'll come over and make it for you whenever you want Pronglet."

"Hey, he'll like you more than me. You can't do that."

"Wanna bet, Prongs."

"Both of you will lose. He obviously likes me more, I'm his mum."


"Well the boss has spoken, too bad Lils. We all lost."

"And you said my whole name. Aww. I'll make you pie whenever you want then." Remus gave Sirius a smug look at the last part and he returned it with a grunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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