A nightmarish tug at memory

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I awoke with a start after some of the memories resurfaced, thoughts set on giving me a nightmare. The luxury of sleep has long since evaded me so this was no stranger. What was a shock was the fact that I hadn't had one in so long I almost forgot about them, so why now? I mulled over the contents of the nightmare as much as I could without becoming upset on the past. 

Oh my goodness! How did I forget about this? The Horcruxes. They play a pivotal role in this war ending and I seemed to have forgotten something so important. How could I? Could it be that I was this taken up with reading and improving my magic that I forgot? A quick wordless tempus told me that it was only two in the morning and as much as I'd like to keep this for daybreak, I have to get this in order. Sleep would be impossible now that I have this to constantly tug at my thoughts, keeping them from resting. 


"Another nightmare?"

"Yes, unfortunately. But it made me remember something very important. I need to gather the horcruxes before Tom gets suspicious and keeps them under protection"

"I see. Do you wish for me to gather them for you master?"

I looked at death sheepishly, knowing it would not approve of my next request. From the change of its aura, I know that I will not have to actually say it. Death knew me well. 

"Master, it is extremely dangerous in those areas as a grown wizard, what makes you think going as a baby will be a smart idea?"

"Because I have you with me?"

"You know as well as I do that I cannot open a portal directly in front of the horcruxes. You will need to travel a small area and undo all the necessary charms yourself as you are currently residing in the human realm."

I looked at it pleadingly.

"At least carry me to a few, I will let you collect the more dangerous ones for me"

"I can see this is the most that I can get you to alter your mind so when do you wish to set out?"


"Okay, which one do you wish to collect first?"

I set a charm that will ensure my parents sleep through until six in the morning. I should be back before then and I don't want them finding me missing and becoming suspicious. I wonder which I should collect first. The diary should be with Lucious Malfoy so it is probably best to let death get that. The ones I should probably target is the Diadem, Cup and the Ring. I'll let death get the rest. 

"The Diadem, everyone should be asleep at Hogwarts right now and it would be easy to recover it quickly." 

Death's magic is not something that can be picked up with whatever spells and shields they would have in place due to the ongoing war. I will be able to get in and out without being recognized or triggering the spells. The only one that should be able to sense my presence and magic is Hogwarts herself and I highly doubt that she would set off any alarms due to my nature not being maleficent. 


Enjoy 🙂

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