Damn My Stupidity

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Harry's P.O.V

I had heard Remus's speech and all I could think of was how stupid I was. How could I be so stupid as to forget that Remus's werewolf will sense another of its kind, especially so close to the full moon. I'm so stupid.  At this point there wasn't much I could do though since they already found out and masking my scent will only evoke suspicions. Thankfully I could detect moony's scent (remus's wolf name)
and he wasn't agitated. I let out a relieved breath. That meant he didn't sense I was an Alpha as yet which is good. I can't have him going around the place worshipping a baby because mom and dad definitely would notice and for sure this time they would freak out.

I mean who wouldn't at that point? Having your newborn being part of two prophecies which were both predicted before he was born, one decades before and the other, months before. Of course they only know about one prophecy since the other was lost among wizards and witches but Remus will know since as a creature he falls under that prophecy. The dangers of both of the prophecies were extremely high and so were the expectations - both having to end with murder some way or the other - and knowing this Remus will hesitate but will eventually tell Lily and James about the second prophecy.
They can't find out yet since as a baby I am unable to explain to them and I want to be the one who tells them. I of course want to tell them and not have to keep it a secret forever but the  time is not now.

I was lucky that Remus blocked out my scent for whatever reason he did since it would be crucial. Had he sniffed my scent one second more, he would have figured it out.


Harry hurriedly focused all his energy on masking the alpha part of his scent. Since he was barely a few days old, he couldn't use magic as much as he wished. It was limited and that little task as blocking only the alpha part of his scent made him tired.

He closed his eyes after a while, succumbing to his dreams that dragged him away from consciousness.

Alpha LordDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora