A different emotion for a change

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I didn't have time to do anything because I woke up to Uncle Moony and Padfoot talking to mom. I could tell they were coming towards my room so I opened my eyes so that they would see that I was awake. It has been a while since I saw them so I was genuinely excited to see them. I still cannot believe that this is real. Everything is going okay for once and I have a family, a family that I never got to spend enough time with. I am extremely grateful because not everyone gets to have second chances. 

My door is pushed open gently and Padfoot comes into my field of vision. I squeal excitedly and make grabby hands so that he can pick me up. Suddenly the memory of him falling through the veil fills my thoughts and I grip him tighter forcing my tears back. I heard sniffling.

"Aww, are you crying padfoot?"

Dad. I didn't hear when he came in. 

"Shut up Prongsie"

"Harry was excited to meet him and even grabbed onto him very tightly when he picked him up," Moony provided.

I turned to Moony. He looked happy. Genuinely happier that I have ever seen him in the past and this time. I wonder what changed but whatever it is, I'm glad. 

"C'mon Prongslet. You were just happy to see me. Don't betray me so quickly. Uncle Moony can wait his turn, let me hug you a bit more."

Moony walked up to us and hugged me while Siri was still hugging me so it ended up being in a position where he had to hug Siri too. I looked over at mom and dad and they were staring at us fondly, wait no. They were staring at Moony fondly. They too look really happy at something. Maybe they are happy that Moony is finally happy too. 

"Is Pete coming?" 

"Not today Lils, he said Professor Dumbledore asked him to do something."

"And Wormtail's got his mouth sealed, wouldn't tell us what it is. I don't know why he doesn't trust us." The mood got a bit damp again.

"I'm sure whatever is it is fine. He's probably just listening to Professor Dumbledore. He's always been too timid to go against what anyone says much less professor Dumbledore."

"I guess you're right Prongs. It just feels as if he's drifting away from us, you know?" Siri sighed and Moony hugged us tighter.

"Yeah, it's like first year all over again. Poor boy thought I was going to abandon him once I had met you two. We just need to give him space."

Everyone sighed. Then I really realized what they were speaking of. I got so taken up with hearing what they were saying and getting to understand them better. 

I'm sure that rat is not doing anything for Professor Dumbledore. He's doing something for Voldy except Voldy agreed to pause the war so there probably is a death eaters meeting. I'll have to ask him tonight. He betrayed all of them and they are so worried for him. They care for him, and he still would rather his pathetic life over their bond. I understood where Siri was coming from now. I really should have let him kill that rat, he needed that to know everything he went through.

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