Death's magic or goblin magic?

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It was not just a regular protective instinct but a strong urge to hurt whoever harmed my 'people? ' in a way. Wait, my people? Where did that come from. I did not know. All I knew was that I can't leave him here now in clear conscience and something had to be done. I should have expected something to disrupt my plan or at least dent it because nothing ever goes to plan.

"Death, can you please help me with getting her out of here?"

"I can. There are a few spells on her to hold back her full capabilities and they are Goblin spells so they are strong. You cannot break them yet so I will have to do it. Step back since it will undo with a slight force"

"Ok, no problem" I looked towards the goblin to ensure that  it is still under the imperius charm and suddenly realized something.

"Wait death, since the goblin is under the Imperius, I can compel him to undo the enchantments since well, he's a goblin. Won't it be easier?"

"It will in terms of undoing it but I highly recommend not to use him in this situation since the undoing of an enchantment leaves minor traces on the one undoing it for a short while after so the other goblins may be able to figure it out if they know how to. Secondly, my magic is unknown so the traces of magical intervention on the dragons release will not be sensed by any other magical being other than you. Lastly, my magic is stronger so while it would take a bit longer to undo than if it is done by the species that casted the enchantment, the force won't be as big so no one would feel it or become alerted. I know you are not familiar with animal enchantment so you may not know about the force. With humans, witches and wizards, the enchantment (compulsion/blockage spells) breakage can be severe and must be done in a pre prepared, strongly-warded room and it is the same with older and more advanced animals such as dragons."

"Ok, well I learnt something. Thanks death. Do you need me to put up wards then?"

"You can put up a few but it is not necessary because of my second point."


A christmas update. Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year. May all your wishes come true and have a wonderful time. Enjoy.

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