Confiding in someone

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"I attended Hogwarts and while I am a halfblood, I was raised muggle until 11. Because of this, my knowledge on the wizarding world was limited, actually it was nonexistent. I had Voldemort constantly out to kill me in every year and my fourth year was no different. Someone by the name of Barty Crouch junior had imporsonated Mad-Eye Moody and attended Hogwart's to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts. That year we learnt that the Triwizard tournament would be hosted at Hogwart's after years of it not happening because of the danger level. At that time I knew nothing about this and though that it seemed interesting until Mione told me otherwise. I had no intention of joining and even if I wanted to, professor Dumbledore had placed an age line around the cup to prevent anyone getting past that wasn't old enough. When it was time to announce the champions, a champion was called for Hogwarts and everyone was cheering until the cup glowed again and my name was called. You have to believe me, I didn't put my name in and I was in shock and worst, no one believed me. That's when we met. We had conversed before, well in general. You helped us with a dragon that Hagrid had illegally in the school in our first year, we sent it to you to keep begore Hagrid got into trouble with the ministry. In the tournament, one of the tasks was getting an egg from under a nesting dragon. You were one of the handlers there to control the dragons and you seemed to be the only one that cared about the dragon since the others were hurting them. A friend died in that tournament, Cedric Diggory. He died because he was in the wrong place. Voldemort was supposed to kill me, he was after me, Cedric didn't have to die and I won. I won at the cost of his life. It haunted me, still does but it's not the only messed up thing that happened which is why I am here to change that outcome. Things happened and we survived. There was as second war, too many innocent persons died. we were just kids, we were supposed to be in our last year at Hogwarts but instead we were fighting for our lives. Kids were fighting against voldemort. They had their entire lives ahead of them and they died fighting a war that wasn't supposed to even be happening. Somewhere along the time to the war I became the master of death. I myself can't remember all the details, when or how because there was so much happening at the time and it was so long ago. But it happened. The children's tale of the Peverell Brothers with the deathly hallows, yeah that is not a fairytale. It is very true and somehow I am a direct descendent of one of the brothers and got the invisibility cloak and through professor Dumbledore, I came to own the other two items needed and I became the master of death without even knowing I was. Not until I died and came back in the middle of the war. In the end we won the war but nothing was the same, no one was the same. Things went downhill. Apparently there was a werewolf death eater that was working behind the scenes so no one knew they existed and someone tipped them off to where I was staying. I got turned but it was worse than that. They came up with a potion or spell or something that made it 1000 times worse, I was feral. I wasn't me. I became a savage, rage filled beast and this problem presented itself outside of full moon also. And with my newly acquired title as the master of death, it strengthened with my power. I couldn't be stopped. I killed many people but one day it went too far. I killed my friends. All the people that had become my family over the years, I had killed them and enjoyed myself while doing it. When I regained control it was too late. It was a bloodbath, my friends were unrecognizable. I couldn't take it anymore, I gave up. I ended it and was there with death in the afterlife, unable to make peace with the past, fear prevented me from taking the offered second chance. A part of me screamed that it would happen again and I would end up with the same result. I'd betray everyone again and I would be unable to stop it. Their screams haunted me for decades in the afterlife, still do and I couldn't bring myself to look at the world and what it had become, see it struggle to put itself back together and not succeeding. I couldn't bear it. Eventually death managed to convince me to redo it and here I am, back in time. If it follows the original timeline, Voldemort would attempt to kill me in a month and a half. I am here because I need your help. I need somewhere safe for her, Selena?."

She came forward and I could see Charlie struggle not to immediately scoop her up and spoil her because there were questions in his eyes.

"Ask me whatever you want to clarify anything that I just said."

He asked a few questions, fortunately not anything that I couldn't answer and he was more than happy to let Selene stay here. I didn't want him to be surprised like I did so I told him she could do magic which would've been the final straw if he had any doubts about keeping her if his expression was anything to go by. I am just grateful that he was as understanding as I thought he was.

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