What a discovery!

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I looked around and because I'm so small, I had to make an entire three hundred and sixty degree turn to look at everyone to find out who called.

After this I was confused since none of the adults were talking to us or even looking at us.
It couldn't be them who called. Just as I was about to ponder it, I heard the same voice again.

"Harry, its me, Neville."

I looked at him to see him looking at me. I should have guessed since the voice came from very close.
It didn't ease my confusion though since I was at the conclusion that Neville is around the same age as me, only a days difference between us. So how is he talking already?
Am I actually very slow to start speaking? Wait, that's not even possible, since we're only around five weeks, is Neville older than me?
I know I couldn't talk but I wanted to respond.

I looked back at him to see him observing me.
I tried saying "hi" back but as expected it came out as a baby's blubber.
Neville smiled at me and asked if I didn't know I could talk.

I was shocked. Did he hear me? Can he understand me?
I heard myself as a blubbering baby so how did he understand?


What did he just say?
I can talk? Maybe he just thinks I am purposely not speaking.
He probably thinks I can speak.

I looked at him and confusion was definitely visible on my face since he looked amused.

"Say something. Anything"

He wanted me to say something. Would he try to guess it? Maybe he would. I thought of a word that will be difficult for him to guess because if it being totally random and then said


To my shock, he said

"Quidditch? Do you want to play when you get older? That word was weird to just say."

"You can understand me?"

"Yea, you can also understand me."

"How old are you? I thought you were around the same age as me. How can you talk as well as understand me?"

"I am around the same age as you. Only a days difference I think, or at least so I heard. And talking is actually very easy. I can not talk adult language and neither can you. All babies can talk our own language. To adults it will sound like us babbling in what they labelled as 'baby language'. In a way they are correct. All babies are able to understand and speak 'baby language' up until they speak their first word. The moment we speak our first actual words, we stop being able to understand baby speech and we forget everything we said or heard while we were able to understand it. It totally disappears from our memory."

"Wow. I can't believe I actually didn't know that. So how exactly do we speak?"

"All you have to do is think what you want to speak and try speaking it. We will hear it in words but to yourself and others, it will sound as blubbers."

"No wonder I didn't know how you could understand me when all I heard was blubbers."

I laughed. He laughed too.

"So Nev, how did you know we can speak?"


How do you think Neville learned that babies have their own languages?

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