Eye opener

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James came in through the fireplace looking very disheveled. He started to say something but stopped when he saw his wife about to burst from the contained joy. He immediately went over to her and smiled inspite of his appearance, asking what happened. She threw me up once more, catching me as gravity did its job. 

"James, Harry took his first steps today. Isn't that awesome. Oh, I can't believe it, he already learned to walk fully. It usually takes a few days after standing before babies can learn to walk but he did it in half an hour. Our baby is so smart, isn't he?"

  That last sentence was said towards me while she tickled me with her nose. I was still laughing as she passed me over to dad. He was smiling, a big smile full of joy. Seeing them happy made me so happy. Is this what life would have been like had they not been betrayed previously? After playing a bit with me, mom made a face that looked like she just remembered something.

"Oh James, why did you come back so early? You looked troubled when you came in. Did something happen at work?"

I felt his eyes on me. I pretended I didn't though and apparently Lily understood what he meant since she got up and came to me saying it was time for me to take a nap.

"You must be exhausted after learning to walk baby. Come lets put you for a nap."

I didn't protest since it was true. I actually was tired and a nap sounded like heaven right now. But at the same time, I wanted to know what James wanted to say that he didn't want me to hear. I pretended to sleep after mom put me in the crib and patted my back. She kissed my forehead and left. After making sure that she wasn't going to turn around, I made up my mind on what I wanted to do.


I called in my mind, knowing that it will come almost immediately. It didn't disappoint and I know I didn't need to explain since it knows what I'm thinking.

"Are you sure you can make it master or are you too tired?"

"I can manage, just take me out of this crib"

Once I was out of the confines of my crib, I slowly walked to the door and opened it almost soundlessly. I didn't need to go too far out thanks to my enhanced hearing. I stopped at the edge of the steps and focused on the sounds that were coming from the living room.

"Is he asleep?"

"Yes, he is. What is it James? What happened?"

"The death eater activity increased greatly and the order received news that Voldemort knew we are hiding under the Fidelius Charm. It was confirmed that his target is Harry and not Neville but Dumbledore said the order still has to keep Neville's family protected since Voldemort will most likely not leave any loose ends."

"How did he know that we are under the Fidelius Charm?"

"We don't know but it is suspected that their is a mole among us. They are hiding well though since we can't really tell its who."

"At least he wouldn't be able to get past the Fidelius Charm. He won't think to force the answer from Peter. He would more try to get it out of either you. Remus or Sirius. It's a good thing we changed the decision last minute."

"Yea, there isn't much we can do now though. We just have to hope our efforts are enough to protect Harry. No matter what comes, I'll always protect you two."

I didn't listen further. There was no need. I made my way back to my room, closed the door and requested help from death to re-enter my crib. I have spent the last few months so smoothly that I almost forgot what I had to do. I cannot let what happened last time to happen again. The main reason I was here was to change the events that are to come. I couldn't do much even now since I still can't talk but at least I can improve my spell casting. I doubt I can do wandless and wordless spells with my current body, but I can try wordless alone. 

I listened to make sure my parents were still downstairs and asked death for the elder wand. It still answers to me so there was no problem in using it. I practiced the entire afternoon until I mastered whatever spells I could cast without drawing attention to my room. I would pretty much say that the warming up was great since I can now cast spells wordlessly. I'll practice wandless and wordless another day. 

I had to ensure that I can protect myself incase of an emergency. The news today was an eye-opener that I needed. I would have gotten carried away enjoying a peaceful life and forget what was happening outside. I can't do that since the only one who can prevent the disaster from recurring is me.


Enjoy. Stay safe and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed reading. Bye 

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