Well that sucks

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It was around one pm the next day and I had Selena with me in the living room. My mom and dad went upstairs to discuss something and I used the opportunity to talk to her since we were both bored. They left me 'sleeping' here so I had to keep an eye out for when they return. The fireplace burst into flames and I jumped out of my skin. Selena immediately assumed an unmoving stance and I sensed that something was wrong.

"Your scent blockers. The full moon is near and he can pick up your scent."

"Shit. Hell. I hurriedly put up some very strong scent blockers but it was too late. Moony walked towards me confused and I asked death to alter his memories. It was a low move but it had to be done. I really never wanted to do that to my family but I couldn't expose myself now.

Moony was not supposed to be here today. Well I didn't hear anything about it. He looked a bit confused but it quickly dissipated as he reached me. Seeing as I was awake, he picked me up and immediately began tickling me and playing. I laughed, genuinely happy to see him. It had been a while since he stopped by and he looked very exhausted.

"Pup, where are your parents?"

I pointed upstairs and he looked shocked before it morphed into happiness.

"I knew you would be smart." He said while kissing my forehead. 

He sent his patronus upstairs to tell my parents that he was coming up. I don't know why he did it but I didn't have time to focus on it because we were going up the stairs. He carried me with him and I could tell he was a bit upset at something.

My parents were in the library discussing something when we entered. Apparently they knew moony was coming and he informed them just before so they knew who used the floo.

Moony told them he needed to talk to them and mom said sure. It was my nap time since I didnt sleep long just now, maybe 15 minutes, so I knew where this was going. Sure enough she stood, collecting me after saying it was my nap time still. She rocked me a bit and I pretended to fall asleep quickly. She placed a kiss on my cheek and left to join the other two to discuss whatever moony came to discuss. I was bored and tempted to go and collect Selena but she beat me to it. I saw her flying in my room. She was so tiny it was adorable.

I really wanted to listen in but I had much more important stuff to do. I knew that Gringotts didn't discover that the dragon was missing as yet. I had to get her out before because once they did, it would be almost impossible to past the lookout.

It took a few minutes of going over who I trust and was in a position to help me with a dragon. Only two came to mind and one was too kind and is manipulated by professor Dumbledore so that left one option. We never interacted much in the past but I'm hoping he is willing to help. That meant that I had to reveal my secret to the first person and soon. I just hope he is the same in this reality as he was before.

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