Someone's fucked (not literally)

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The time went by fairly quick and I was still indecisive on what to do. I have two weeks before Voldemort attacked us and I can't let him but at the same time I can't exactly walk into his meeting and tell him not to. It took a while but eventually I settled on a plan that should be the best one and now it was time to stakeout his movements and find the perfect time.

The rat is here with Sirius and Remus. He wouldn't have told Voldemort where we are as yet so it is the perfect time to set phase one of my plan in action. I can't exactly leave the house in the middle of the day so death knows what to do. I went through his mind a few days ago when he was here and was shocked. He genuinely is happy with the others and when he is here. He feels guilty about spying on them and he doesn't yet know that voldemort will ask him for our address which is something new to me. I thought all that time he knew and that it was the sole reason voldy kept him alive. Another lie added to the list, I guess. He is a coward who didn't even think twice before giving voldy the answer when he asked so I am not justifying his actions. He still deserves every bit of what is coming his way because he was single-handedly responsible for hundreds of deaths in my past life. They spent a while more with us and eventually left. I told death to follow them and get the rat when they separate.

'It's done'

'Thanks death'

It wasn't until later that night that I found myself asking death to open a portal to Malfoy manor. I cast a dilusionment charm and observed the death eaters and voldy. The meeting was quite boring and once it was over, I followed voldy to his room? dwelling? Whatever he called it, it was surprisingly normal. An ordinary room in a very dark gray, almost black and emerald. It was actually comfy, I cringed inwardly at myself for saying that and continued observing him. He stood by the window peering out at the peacocks in the Malfoy's backyard and after five minutes of this, I got bored and impulsively decided that I was going to make a move today instead of just stakeout since it was the perfect time. It seems like everyone else had retired to bed and he was distracted. I never imagined him like this but surprisingly, it suits his 'powerful and aloof' personality. I heard a hissing and jumped, thinking I had been caught. I looked by the bed where the noise came from and saw Nagini waking up and she looked right at me. Well, I guess I did get caught. She couldn't see me but I am sure she could smell me. I didn't take that into consideration and I had totally forgotten about her. I was too lost in thought. Voldy was now on edge, wand out and pointing it at where Nagini was looking. Shit.

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