Startling revelations

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Spells were casted at me in rapid succession from languages that I never heard of before but could understand thanks to death's gift. I didn't retaliate, knowing that death's shield would hold strong and unyeilding, unbreakable by anyone other than itself.

*Parsletongue starts*

"Nathir (Nagini pronounces it as 'Nassssserrrr'), who is the snack? I could've eaten him earlier if you had not insisted I need permission from you to eat someone. Now look at where you've got us."

I forgot I was safe for a second and may or may not have yelped and took a step or two back. Shut up, you would too if a snake her size was speaking with such disappointment that she didn't get to eat you.

"I'm not a damn snack, I promise you, I won't satisfy your craving"

They both snapped their heads towards me.

"You can speak?" this was said with excitement. 

"What do you mean if I can speak, Nagini. Of course I can speak, you don't see me asking if you can speak...oh!"

She is speaking. That means I am speaking parsletongue. She must've wanted me to be able to speak it subconsciously otherwise I won't have been able to speak it unless I actually study the language.

"Who are you? It's impossible, I am the last living descendent of Salazaar Slytherin, how can you speak parsletongue? How are you related to Slytherin?"

"I'm not"

"I know you aren't, slytherins aren't such big cowards. Why don't you show yourself and fight instead of hiding behind that shield."

"They aren't. It's just called being smart and cunning. They weigh the pros and cons of a situation and work from behind the scenes to achieve their goal if it is not safe to go out into the open. Sounds like someone I know, except they can't weigh the pros and cons of a situation and know when to stop, when they are fighting a losing battle. So how much slytherin are you really, Tom, being a half-blood and all that?"

I was saved from the backlash of that statement by Nagini speaking. 

"Young Nassssserrrr, I don't know what my role is in this ego argument but this cage is verrrry uncomfortable. I don't suppose you would like me to make a snack of you at the very first opportunity I get, would you?"

I immediately flicked my hands, making the cage more comfortable and giving her a few mice. I'm not sure what I'll do with her as yet but I don't want to risk that in the rare chance that she does escape. She sighed contentedly but I still moved the cage infront of the fireplace just incase. It wouldn't hurt to get on her good side.

Voldy looked confused at my contradicting actions.

"What do you want her for?"

"Oh that, she is your last horcrux, isn't she?"

*Parsletongue ends*


Happy pride 2023 everyone 🏳️‍🌈🌈. To those of you who live in America, especially the states that are currently fked up, I wish you strength to get through these times and hope beyond hope that it's short lived and not there to stay. Now more than ever we need to stick together, we're stronger in numbers. I might not live in America, but those laws hit too close to home. I can't say I know how you're feeling because I am so emotionally affected by it and I don't even live in America. I do however know the level of hurt and betrayal you're feeling from a country you were supposed to call home though, I'm living it and it's not bearable.

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