Foreshadowing or ?

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An escape plan seemed a bit far-fetched, but I didn't want to take any risks so I settled on one. If things went south, then death would create a distraction to give me enough time to get out the vault. For the actual plan, I would enter under my invisibility cloak like I did the first time around and Imperio a goblin that would take us to the vault. I am confident that I can easily pull off an Imperio charm even in this body and with my previous memories, I don't doubt that I can perform the other unforgivables. I don't wish to use them but it is great to know that if the need arises in future, I could.

I would give the goblin instructions and then use death's portal to come out just after the fountain so that I can Imperio the goblin as soon as he passes through. This will prevent him from alerting help if the fountain washes off the Imperio. Then I follow him and get him to open the vault. Death would collect the cup, hand it to me and I will disappear in a portal after giving the goblin instructions to go back up. I would wait for him at the top and undo the charm while removing his memories of the last few minutes. 

Seems like a smooth plan in my head and I hope it goes just as smooth. I feel for the dragon being locked up there but I can't rescue him now. After this calms down then I will free him and ensures he lives a good life. 

I successfully entered Gringotts and asked death which of the goblins were responsible for the Lestranges vault. After being shown the correct one, I Imperioed him and ordered him to go down to the vault alone. Using magic on an actual person felt exhilarating, even though it was an unforgivable. It's probably because to a wizard/witch magic is our essence. It flows in our core and not just something that can be ignored. It is a part of us and without it, we are incomplete. I have not used it to its full extent in a while and definitely not on someone. I hope this doesn't make me be considered a bad person but at this point I don't care. Everyone else is allowed to be bad but one wrong move on my behalf and I become the biggest enemy no matter if my intentions are good or not. 

I walked through one of death's portals and raised my hand in time for the goblin to pass through the fountain looking confused and ready to sound an alarm. I immediately Imperioed him again and ordered him to open the vault and stay there. He continued on as I went through another portal waiting in front the vault. The dragon looked at me strangely but to my surprise, it wasn't aggressive. it did not seem threatened nor in the mood to do the job it was placed there for. It just lazily watched as I stood there, now out of the invisibility cloak. The goblin appeared and the dragon shrank back, fear evident in its sad eyes. I looked at it apologetically. The vault opened and death went to collect the cup. A voice infiltrated my mind in a rough tongue. 

"Please set me free young lord. I will dedicate my life to serving you."

I was shocked and my initial response was guard mode thinking someone else was down here other than us. 

"It's me, the dragon"

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. 

"You speak?"

"Not English, but it would appear that you can understand my language"

"You can understand me!? What! How?"

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