Werewolf Senses

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Guys I edited the chapter before this one. Remy is no longer his godfather since it won't fit in with the plot. Enjoy.

Remus's P.O.V

I heard that Lily gave birth but as much as I wished to see Harry I couldn't since I slept for almost one day straight and the next day I was in too much pain to go anywhere. My transformations don't usually be this bad but I had ran out of Wolfsbane potion and couldn't find any in Diagon Ally.

I had finally recovered enough so that every movement I made didn't feel like a thousand needles were stuck in my flesh. By afternoon I was functional and decided to pay Lily a visit to see her child. They were under the fedilius charm since Dumbledore told us about a prophecy involving their son and the Longbottoms son. I knew their secret keeper was Peter and I had access to the house so I apparated a couple houses away and after making sure I wasn't followed I walked towards their house.

I had been let in by James and was led to the nursery where Lily was feeding Harry. I smiled at him. He's such a mini James and so cute. When I looked closer I saw he also had lily's electric green eyes and my smile widened. Oh he's a perfect combination of the two of them. So adorable. I frowned a bit when I got a strong smell of a Werewolf nearby. Had I been followed? Even if I was followed they couldn't get in the house but the smell was strong. I thought the smell was magnified since the full moon was just two nights ago. I decided I would talk about it later but now I'll go hold Harry. I walked towards him and then stopped, getting the smell 10 times stronger. I frowned again and sniffed a bit to make sure. I was shocked. Had he already been bitten? Was he born with it? But how, James family didn't have any known cases of werewolves inside and Lily was muggle born so it couldn't be her.

I looked at my friends and said in a shocked voice "this is not your child" not thinking of how contradictory to my previous statement I sounded.

They looked at me shock written all over their faces. Harry looked confused. I could tell that James and Lily thought something was wrong with me.

"Why would you say something like that Remy?" James asked.

"He isn't James. I know what I'm smelling. Harry smells like a Werewolf. He is a Werewolf." I said and let it sink in.

They both began denying it and Harry had shock written on his face. I watched as it slowly morphed into understanding and then a face that showed he could eat his liver if you gave it to him. I wonder why.
I turned to James and Lily and said
"If you don't want to take my word for it, then you can take him back to Saint Mungo's and find out for yourself."

They agreed that they will but then James asked why they didn't pick it up earlier and I explained that they don't check babies that doesn't have a known history of close family members being a Werewolf unless requested.

He nodded and we turned out attention back to Harry.

"I know he's ours. I didn't let him out of my sight since he was born" Lily stated.

I nodded in understanding and began to hold Harry. I didn't bother with the werewolf smell again and I also didn't try to figure it out again. He fell asleep shortly after and Lily took him and placed him in his crib and we left to go downstairs to talk.

How are you guys doing? Next chapter done. Enjoy and don't forget to vote and follow me for updates. Stay safe. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I'll answer them.

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