Terrible planning skills

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Today was the third day in a row that I was waking up this early to go look for Horcruxes but I find myself not minding it at all. The mornings at this time are quite peaceful and though it is still dark, it is refreshing. I think I'll definitely stick to waking up from now even after I have all the Horcruxes. It will give me a head-start on the day and I can get so much more reading done. I need to cover as much books as possible since you never know if something useful will stand out that can give me an idea or clue as to what to do. 

I left for the cup and our ridiculous idea from the past made me smile slightly. How did we expect to get out of there. We were really bad at planning, we got the plan to enter but no one thought of how to leave. We didn't even know that there was a dragon down there but then again we also didn't expect Griphook to betray us with such a heavy reward as the sword of Griffindor. I mean we were told that the price would be high for getting a goblin to help but the higher the price the better the safety. We naively thought that he would stick to his word and boy were we wrong. Thank Merlin for that dragon and for the luck we had to escape. That was cut so close and when I look at it from an outsider's point of view, the plan had way too many flaws and loopholes. We should be grateful to have escaped with our lives.

I couldn't repeat the same mistake but I also have death on my side now. Death's magic cannot open a portal inside the vault but it can open one directly in front the vault. We would still need a goblin to open the door to the vault but how am I supposed to get a Goblin without walking through the front doors of Gringotts? 

It's easy enough to be able to pass all the security and be directly in front the vault because death's magic cannot be picked up of by the outside barriers but getting a goblin would be difficult. Only those who have previously earned the title of 'master of death' can recognize death's magic but those are all dead now. I should not have a problem there.

I eventually decided to make a repeat of what happened in the beginning and Imperio one of the goblins to go to the vault. I need the invisibility coat but it wasn't handed to me as yet and I did not have nearly enough time to go look for it so I sent death. It was back within a second with the coat in its arms. It looked so massive. I had already thought it was huge being able to fit three students under but next to the body of a baby it looked even bigger. 

I need to have a plan in place for the escape. There is no telling what can go wrong and once we're in there, there will be no time to think of a solution on the spot. It has to be thought out before so that the plan is efficient. I guess I have some thinking to do.



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