A trusted companion

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The day passed without a hitch and the next morning I repeated the process of charming my parents room and setting out Horcrux hunting. When I exited the portal, I found myself face to face with the Gaunt's shack. It was just as run down as I remember it being, image still fresh from my encounter with Dumbledore's Pensive in the past. I can't believe I fell for his grandfatherly facade for so long and I would have continued to do so if he didn't show his true colours. The man was great at acting. He was doing it for decades and the amount of people that fell to their demise without even knowing he was behind it are endless. 

Even though I knew what to expect, the snake nailed to the door still made me recoil slightly. It is one's instinct to move away from danger and the fact that I faced a Basilisk was of no comparison. After remembering that it was dead, I cautiously moved toward the door, death right behind me as my invisible guard. I was still in the body of a baby so death opened the door for me as I entered with my hands to my nose. This place was dusty and the layers of dust piled over the items made it impossible to even get the slightest idea as to what their surfaces were before. 

Remembering why I was here, I made my way towards the loose floorboard, lifting it to find the box that contained the ring. Seeing the dull gold cover, I reached to collect it only to have my hand pushed away by death.

"Master are you out of your mind! Did you perhaps forget the curse that is on the box? Do you wish to die again or are you counting on me reviving you?"

"I do apologize death, it slipped my mind. I am grateful for the second chance. I did not think this slight of the chance you gave me. Can you collect this one for me then?"

"Sure. I did not mean to yell at you but it made me angry to see you not think before you act. I can collect it and remove the curse. This should make it safe for you to handle and shrink."

"Thank you death"

Thankfully death insisted on following me for these adventures. I would have really messed up the chance at stopping the war. So many innocent people would have died just because I didn't think before I act. Death is right, I need to pay much more attention to things before I act. It is crucial if this war is to be stopped. 

"Master, don't blame yourself. You are already doing much more than anyone else to stop a war you didn't start. You are not responsible for the war so I am sure everyone is more than grateful for all the effort you are putting in to end it."

"Thank you death. I really appreciate you for keeping me company and being someone I can always rely on these past few years."

"Aw, if I could cry I would probably be crying right now. Your words are touching master. It is my duty to protect you but I'm sure you will have the chance of finding that special someone who will be even closer to you. Whom you can share your experiences, thoughts and love with. They will also be there for you in your highest and lowest times. I have a feeling that you will find them in this life."

"I hope so too."

"You will, cherish them when you find them but don't forget about me completely."

"You know I won't death. You are my closest companion."

"I'm joking master. But even if you do I'll ensure to bother you until you remember."

A smile broke on my face and it felt weird. I can't remember the last time I have smiled genuinely in a long time. For the first time in a while, hope returned that I just might be able to live normally this time. I can only hope it is the truth.

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