St Mungo's and Slight Confusions

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It had been a peaceful night. I slept through all night and was only awaken to feed. I enjoyed my sleep knowing that these are the only times I'll get peaceful sleep. As soon as I start talking and walking I have plans that have to be put in place. Even still being a baby, I won't be able to get much rest.
I was awoken by Lily this morning to take a bath. We were apparently going to St. Mungo's and it took me a while to realize why. Last night came back to me and I internally groaned.

After feeding me, James and Lily got ready to floo with me to St. Mungo's. Remus was going to meet us there later on so I ensured that my Alpha part was strongly blocked and won't be detected even by the best healers. I didn't have to worry about mind tricks since my mind is protected by the best.
Before we entered the floo, lily placed a bubble head charm on me I'm guessing so that soot and dust won't get on me. We arrived at the main hall of St. Mungo's and greeted Remus who was already there. I was passed to Remy as my parents went up to the desk for directions.

*Time skip*

Healers P.O.V

I test the child that they brought to me. I had a feeling that this wasn't a normal case. I confirmed this however when the results came up. This child didn't have any relatives near or far that had werewolf blood. His family's records were totally clear yet it shows clearly here that he was a born werewolf. I am actually very confused.

I explained all this to his parents and a next werewolf that was in the room. I told them that according to protocol we had to do a few more tests on him to pinpoint how he became a werewolf. They agreed and I took him back to my office. His parents followed and so did the other wolf.

*Time skip*

After running the tests, I came up blank. Totally blank. If I was a little confused before I definitely was lost now. In all my years of experience in the field as a healer, dealing with cases similar to this with persons being born a werewolf I've never had such a difficult case.

The extra tests were supposed to show if he was bitten and turned or if he had any glamours or forced changes in family trees to block his real parents. That test came up in the negative proving that he was truly born into the Potter lineage. He was also not turned meaning he was definitely a born Were.

Other tests were supposed to give an age at which he'll transform for the first time. It is usually around four years for born Weres but his test came out blank. It wasn't able to read his status among werewolf standards.

This has never happened in any part of the world that I know of and that is a lot. Being the most experienced healer in my field for Britain. I will have to pass over the disappointing news to his parents.

Lily's P.O.V

I watched as the healer looked at us with extreme confusion. I began to worry thinking something was terribly wrong. I was rocking Harry back and forth and subconsciously held him closer.

The healer took some time explaining everything that he found out and apologized for not being able to give us more information. He suggested that we be prepared for him to transform from three years since four is the usual but some persons transform at three. I looked to Remus the same time as James did. We silently asked him if he knew anything about this case and he said he never heard of a case like this.

I looked at Harry and sighed. Pressing a kiss to his forehead, I recasted a bubble head charm on him before we flooed home. He slept away sometime and I left him to sleep to discuss these new updates with Remy and James.

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