Playful banter

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"On it"

Death left immediately to reset the imperio on the goblin. I hope to merlin that it reaches on time. How in godric's name did I forget that.

Death appeared.

"I arrived in time master, calm down."

"Oh my gosh, thank you. I almost messed up the entire plan."

"That's ok. Everyone makes mistakes. As I was saying before, I know what you were doing. You know you don't need to act cute. All you need to do is say what you want and I'll do it."

"That's no fun."

Death opened a portal to the lobby and we arrived just in time to see the goblin walk through the door.

"What instructions did you give him death?"

"The same as you"


I walked closer, still under my invisibility cloak. Another goblin approached and ask him where he was. He seemed satisfied with the answer and left. After no one else approached, I asked death to alter his memories. When that was done, I undid the Imperio and left through another portal. That actually went well.

I stepped through the portal into my room and saw Selena standing still so as to not knock anything over. It took a while for me to realize that she was in her full form and not any smaller. How did she fit? While by no mean is my room as small as the cupboard, it is not large either. A baby doesn't need much space. It is a regular sized room and she is a full grown dragon!

"How are you fitting inside? I thought death would have shrunk you but you're huge!"

"Are you insinuating that I am fat?"

"No? No!!! Thats not what I meant. I just th...I mean you're... you still."

"Of course I am me, you wound me. Who else would I be?"

"Of course you are. I don't know who else you'd be but...,"

I felt an air of amusement suddenly surround me and immediately spun towards the source. If it could show emotions, I am certain it'll be laughing at me.

"Why are you amused at my demise, death?"

"Can't I be? I think you sometimes forget my job, master."

Selena started laughing, looked at me and laughed even harder. I am aware that it most likely had something to do with my pout.

"Worry not, friend. I was just messing with you. Your reaction was priceless."

"That doesn't answer my question though. Did you magically enlarge my room, death?"

"No. That was all her," death said pointing a bony finger towards Selena almost accusingly, "I left her shrunk to the size of a stuffed toy. I am as surprised as you are."

"What did you want me to do? It is very uncomfortable being that small once you are accustomed to being this large. And no offense friend, but those stuffed animals of yours made me uncomfortable, so lifeless they are."

"You can do magic?" I numbly asked. I am still in shock.

"Yeah as far as I'm aware. Always have been able to."

"Of course she can do magic."

I turned towards death, my stare now accusatory.

"Why did you not tell me? You said I didn't need to play tricks and you will tell me stuff without it."

"I did? I seem to remember saying that you just need to ask. You never asked about it," death replied in what I was sure would be a pointed way had it been able to show that.

"Death..." I let out, very much aware that it sounded more of a whine.

Selena laughed again. "I thought you knew. You did say not to disturb your charms before I left."

"I meant it as a joke! I did not expect that you actually can do magic. Wait, death, you said you were also surprised though. You did not seem surprised to know she can do magic."

"Of course I am not. I meant that I was surprised she had been able to after being repressed and tortured for so long. She was able to pull back some of her abilities very quickly. You really do live up to your name."


What's that supposed to mean?

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