A curious spell

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He concealed his shock really well. He must've decided to not pretend because he chuckled. A real, loud chuckle.

"Boy, you really think that you can know my horcruxes. So let me guess, you're going to say you got the other one too?" he asked smirking.

"I mean, I won't say 'the'," I shrugged but remembered he couldn't see me, "six is a lot to remember but if I had to choose one other one, it's got to be that locket. 100 points on the placement, a human sacrifice must be left behind, pity there were some loopholes. Great strategy though, I might steal it to use for a prison layout, you know? Really who would've guessed that Lord Voldemort himself is so predictable, so transparent, so...normal."

I could see the immediate effect that my words had and almost regretted saying it. For someone who tried desperately to stand out, to be better and above everyone else, have their idea that seemed so incomprehensible be easily broken apart, easily unravelled, it's a harsh knock into reality. And really though, it was a great idea and I definitely couldn't come close to guessing where the locket was much less to get to it if it wasn't for professor Dumbledore and death. I caved in. (><)

"Ok, I had some external help. It wasn't that easy to get to. Actually it wasn't easy at all and I couldn't get to it without help so don't blow up the place, it's the middle of the god damn night. Woah, wtf was that? Put the wand down, we can talk about this like civilized humans, right? Let's negotiate. I'm sure we can come to an agreement."

He still was busy casting stuff that I have never seen. It reeked of dark magic. It looked cool though, I'd love to learn it sometime. I had no idea what the spell he was casting did and I did not intend to find out now.

"You don't trust my shield, master?"

"If you had emotions, that would come out in a sulky, whining tone death, of course I trust it, I just would rather not call attention to what is happening now in this room. A privacy charm can't cover the room removing itself from the house and flying away like what happened to Dorothy."

"And who is Dorothy?"

"Character from a muggle fairytale called 'The wizard of Oz', good book."

"Ah, yes. Well you might want to stop him now, seems to be getting much more intense over there"

"I will destroy all of your horcruxes now if you don't stop it and let's talk."

It worked. A win is a win and besides I didn't say that I won't destroy it at all, merely that I won't destroy it now.

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